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Online Digitized Newspapers

Guide to Viewing Images from Digital Newspapers

The Digital Newspapers page is the best way of finding and viewing all of the newspapers that the Maryland State Archives makes available online. Titles are listed alphabetically, along with the dates they were published, question marks appear when exact dates are unknown.

How to Navigate

After clicking on a title, you will be taken to a page with an expandable tree view of all the available dates by decade. To view a more detailed list, click on the “+” sign to open up the list of dates within the decade. To view a newspaper simply click on the hyperlinked date.

The hyperlink will open up an e-publication where each page appears as an html frame surrounding a gif image. Holding down the CTRL key and pressing the "+" or "-" keys will make the image larger or smaller. Also, holding down the CTRL key while scrolling the center mouse wheel will change the zoom level. Navigate through pages by clicking the “next” or “previous” buttons, or by jumping to a specific page number.

If you have any questions when using digital newspapers or the newspaper guide, please contact

Available Titles

Available Dates

Aegis & Intelligencer, 1864-19231887-1889
American and Commercial Daily Advertiser, 1802-18531802-1814
American Eagle, 1855-18641856-1857
American Sentinel, 1855-19281856-1928
American Union, 1860-19261860-1926
Baltimore American, 1883-19641913
Baltimore Clipper, 1839-18441841
Baltimore Clipper, 1847-18651860-1865
Baltimore Whig, 1810-18141810
Calvert Gazette, 1885-19571937
Calvert Journal, 1867-19571937
Cambridge Chronicle and E. Shore Advertiser, 1825-18271825-1827
Cambridge Chronicle and Maryland Weekly Advertiser, 1827-18281827
Cambridge Chronicle, 1822-18251824-1825
Cambridge Chronicle, 1828-18551828-1855
Cambridge Chronicle, 1871-190?1871-1873, 1903-1904
Cambridge Democrat, 185?-18661849-1863
Cambridge Era, 1878-18821878-1879
Cambridge Herald, 1857-18661865
Cambridge Tribune, 1936-19??1937-1947
Caroline Intelligencer, 1831-183?1831
Cecil County Star, 192?-19??1936-1939
Cecil Whig, 1841-Present1870-1874
Centreville Evening Times and Eastern Shore Publick Advertiser, 182?-18??1828-1932
Centreville Observer, 1864-19361871-1918
Centreville State Rights, 1860-18641860
Centreville Times & Eastern Shore Advertiser, 1822-182?1826
Centreville Times and Eastern-Shore Public Advertiser, 1831-18??1832-1834
Chestertown Transcript, 1862-19461866-1946
Clearspring Sentinel, 1849-18511849-1851
Daily Banner, 1897-20081897
Democrat and News, 186?-19651881-1898
Democrat, and Dorchester Advertiser, 1845-185?1845-1850
Denton Journal, 1847-19651870-1916
Dorchester Aurora, 1835-18401835-1840
Dorchester Era, 1883-19001884
Eastern-Shore Star, 1841-18431842
Eastern-Shore Whig and People's Advocate, 1828-18411828-1841
Easton Gazette, 1822-19291825-1906
Easton Journal, 1863-18741863-1865
Easton Star, 1843-18961843-1891
Ellicott City Times, 1870-19581870-1899
Enterprise, 1893-19??1919-1935
Federal Gazette & Baltimore Daily Advertiser, 1796-18251803-1808
Frostburg Mining Journal, 1871-19131887-1901
Kent County News, 1946-Present1965
Kent News, 1840-19461840-1934
Leader, 1887-19??1887-1899
Log Cabin Advocate, 1840-18401840
Maryland Colonization Journal, 1835-18401835-1840
Maryland Courier, 1872-18831877
Maryland Gazette and Political Intelligencer, 1813-18231813-1823
Maryland Gazette and State Register, 1824-18261824-1826
Maryland Gazette, 1727-17341728-1729
Maryland Gazette, 1745-18131745-1813
Maryland Gazette, 1827-18391827-1839
Maryland Gazette, and Frederick Weekly Advertiser, 1790-17921790
Maryland Journal and True American, 1828-18341828
Maryland Journal, 1834-18??1835
Maryland Journal, 1845-18521845-1849
Maryland Journal, 1865-19051889-1890
Maryland Journal, and Museum of Politics, Agriculture, and Foreign Literature, 1841-184?1844-1845
Maryland News Sheet, 1861-18621861-1862
Maryland Republican, 1809-18171809
Maryland Republican, 1826-18661838
Maryland Suffrage News, 1912-19??1912-1920
Midland Journal, 1885-19471936-1941
Montgomery County Sentinel, 1855-19741860-1872
Montgomery Independent, 1927-19461936-1937
Montgomery Press, 1899-19??1936-1938
Planter's Advocate and Southern Maryland Advertiser, 1851-18531853
Planter's Advocate, 1853-18611853-1861
Port Tobacco Times, and Charles County Advertiser, 1845-18981845-1864
Queen Anne's Record the Centreville Observer, 19361936
Queen Anne's Record, 1933-19361936-1939
Queen Anne's Record-Observer, 1936-19561936
Queenstown News, 1882-19561888-1956
Republican Citizen, 1836-18901866-1870
Republican Star, or, Eastern Shore General Advertiser, 1802-18141802-1814
Republican Star, or, General Advertiser, 1814-18321814-1832
Rockville True American, 1820-182?1822
Sharpsburg Enterprise, 1878-188?1878-1882
Somerset Herald, 1838-184?1840-1844
South, 1861-18621861-1862
St. Mary's Enterprise, 1883-19471920
State Rights Advocate, 1857-18601860
Williamsport Leader, 1884-18871884-1886
Williamsport Transcript, 188?-189?1887-1894

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