Westmoreland County (AWV) 1908
AWVC OR (1809:12:23)
Dickinson College Library (DKC) 1809, 1812, 1813
DKCL OR (1809:10:27) (1812:10:19) (1813:11:3,19,22)
Library of Congress (DLC) 1812-1813
DLCC FM Newspaper (Ser.); Newspaper 87/3052 Readex,s=(1812:8:3-1813:12:24) [Scattered issues wanting.]
East Stroudsburg State College Library (ETS) 1812-1813
ETSS FM s=(1812:8:3-1813:12:24) [Cabinet 44]
Goucher College (GOC) 1810, 1812
GOCM OR (1810:6:8) (1812:5:13)
University of Texas at Arlington Library (IUA) 1813
IUAA OR (1813:2:5-3:19)
Indiana University Library (IUL) '>(Texas Tech University Library (IUL) ) 1812-1813
IUNZ OR AN2.B2 F3 (1812:8:31-1813:4:28)
University of Texas at Austin Library (IXA) 1812-1813
IXAA OR (1812:10:30-1813:1:18) (1813:1:22-25,29-2:15,22-26, 3:3-5:14, 7:23-26, 8:2-13,20-27, 9:1-29, 10:21-29, 11:1-10,17-12:24)
University of Louisville Library (KLG) 1812
KLGG OR Kornhauser Archives Newspaper RG 176 (1812:10:28)
University of Kentucky Library (KUK) 1812-1813
KUKJ FM Newspaper Film S/84-15 Reel 92 s=(1812:8:3-1813:12:24) [Scattered issues wanting.]
Enoch Pratt Free Library (MDB) 1808-1813
MDBE OR (1808:11:28-1811:12:31) (1812:1:7-6:23, 8:2-12:30) (1813:1:6-12:24) [Scattered issues missing.]
Rutgers University Newspaper Project (NPA) 1812-1813
NPAA FM M/FILM PER s=(1812:8:3-1813:12:24)
NPAA OR PER (1813:1:22-12:24) [Scattered issues wanting.]
NPAS OR B23/F5 (1812:8:26) (1813:2:10,24, 3:5,12, 10:1)
New York Historical Society - Newspaper Project (NPU) 1812-1813
NPUA OR (1812:8:3-1813:12:24)
State Historical Society of Wisconsin - Newspaper Project (NPV) 1812-1813
NPVA FM s=(1812:8:3-1813:12:24)
NPVA OR (1812:7:27-1813:5:31)
NPVA FMM m=(1812:7:27-1813:5:31)
American Antiquarian Society - Newspaper Project (NPX) 1808-1813
NPXX OR (1808-1813) [Scattered issues wanting.]
Western Reserve Historical Society - Newspaper Project (NPY) 1813
NPYN OR (1813:1:22)
New York State Library (NYG) 1812-1813
NYGG OR Newspaper [msc] (1812:8:12-19,26-1813) [Scattered issues.]
NYGG OR Newspaper [msc, DC12, DC14, DC26] (1812:12:18) (1813:7:9, 12:8,13,15,17)
New York Public Library Research Library (NYP) 1812-1813
NYPP FM *ZAN-7473 s=(1812:8:3-1813:12:24) [Scattered issues wanting.]
NYPP OR *KSC (1808:7:29, 8:26, 9:14, 10:3,7, 11:14-1809:4:21) (1812:8:3-7,12-1813:12:24)
University of Utah Library (UUM) 1812-1813
UUMP FM AN2.D6 F423 s=(1812-1814) [Scattered issues wanting.]
Maryland Historical Society (XKE) 1808-1813
XKEA FM s=(1808:7:8-12:5) (1809:1:23, 6:5-12:29) (1812:1:1-7:27) [Scattered issues missing.]
XKEA OR (1809:3:10-24, 10:13,28, 12:4,22,30) (1810:1:1-1811:12:31) (1812:12:16) (1813:2:17, 4:26, 7:9, 11:22)
Maryland State Archives (XKF) 1808-1812
XKFA OR (1808:8:26, 9:30, 10:12,28, 11:18,25) (1809:1:16-12:28) (1810:1:2-9:19) (1811:1:14) (1811:10-5:12:31) [Scattered issues wanting.] (1812:2:4)
Frederick County (XKJ) 1810
XKJC OR (1810:6:25) [Frederick County Public Library - Frederick.]
Talbot County (XLD) 1809-1810
XLDC OR (1809:10:5-1810:10:4) [Talbot County Free Library.] |