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Daily Banner

Collection Number MSA SC 3395 [OCLC 18778410]
PublisherHarrington Henry & Co.
LocationCambridge, Dorchester County, MD | View more titles from this: City, County, State
MSA Collection Dates1902-1960
Publication Dates1897-Unknown
Collection History
(Cambridge, Dorchester County: Harrington Henry & Co.)

The Daily Banner began publication in September 1897. It published daily, except Saturday and Sunday beginning March 8, 1973; daily, except Sunday [September 22, 1902]-March 7, 1973. Title history based on September 22, 1902 [v. 6, no. 1]. It was also published as the Cambridge Daily Banner and the Daily Banner and Cambridge Record February 3, 1941-February 14, 1942. Other editions include the Daily Banner (Cambridge: Talbot County ed.), the Talbot Banner (Cambridge: 1973), and the Banner (Cambridge: 1975). The newspaper absorbed the Cambridge Chronicle (Cambridge: 1871) and the Cambridge Record (Cambridge: 1905).

The Daily Banner was first issued September 22, 1897 by Lindsay C. Marshall and Armistead R. Michie, the first daily paper published on the Eastern Shore. The Daily Banner absorbed the Cambridge Chronicle in 1907. Marshall and Lindsay sold the paper to P. Watson Webb in 1910. Webb had established the Cambridge Record in 1906. The Daily Banner was owned and edited by Webb and his brother, Edward J. Webb until it was sold to Arnold Daane, February 10, 1940. Webb and Webb continued to appear as editors until November 28, 1942. Elsie McNamara became managing editor December 3, 1942. Apparently, Daane also acquired the Cambridge Record when he purchased the Daily Banner, and merged the titles from February 3, 1941 until February 14, 1942, publishing the paper as the Daily Banner and Cambridge Record. Arnold Daane died in December 1964 and control of the paper passed to his wife, Fannie Greene Daane and Herman J. Stevens. They sold the Daily Banner to the Evening Post Company of Charleston, South Carolina in 1974. Stevens remained with the paper as president and publisher until his retirement in September 1983 and was succeeded as publisher by Travis O. Rockey.

Some of the issues of the Daily Banner were lent to the Maryland State Archives for filming in 1968 through the efforts of the Dorchester County Historical Society. Issues are from the D. L. Noble Collection, Mrs. T. R. Geoghegan, R. C. Orem, Jordan Home, the Ivy Woolford Estate, the G. Steele Papers, Nellie Carroll, and Mrs. William C. Johnston.

Other issues of the newspaper are from the collections of the Dorchester County Public Library. These were filmed by the Maryland State Archives with funds provided by the Maryland Heritage Committee in 1984.
Related Titles
Cambridge Chronicle
Cambridge Daily Banner
Cambridge Record
Daily Banner and Cambridge Record
Talbot Banner

MediumOriginal, microfilm, electronic
RestrictionsRESTRICTED: Do not circulate originals without the permission of the Registrar or the Director of the Maryland Newspaper Project
Film No.SCM 1075 - SCM 1085, SCM 1087, SCM 3763 - SCM 3989, SCM 6201 - SCM 6240, SCM 11185 - SCM 11252
StorageContact the Department of Special Collections for location.
InventoriesMicrofilm Inventory   Collection Inventory   Digital Image Collection
Institutions Holding This Title
Please contact the holding institution. This information may have changed.
Enoch Pratt Free Library (MDB) 1907-1908, 1910-1914, 1916-
MDBE FM (1907:6:1-10:30) (1908:5:1-22) (1910:4:4-5:31) (1911:4:1-6:29) (1912:8:23, 10:1-12:31) (1913:1:2-12:30) (1914:7:9-12:31) (1916:1:7-12:31) (1917:1:7-5:31, 7:2-12:29) (1918:1:4-1919:8:30) (1920:1:2-8:31) (1921:1:4-5:11, 7:2-12:31) (1922:1:3-1923:12:31) (1924:4:1-12:31) (1925:1:2-
MDBE OR (1923:1:2-

University of Maryland Libraries (UMC) 1902-1904, 1907-1908, 1910-1914, 1916-
UMCP FM (1902:9:22) (1903:6:11) (1904:2:8-3:10) (1907:6:1-10:30) (1908:5:1-22) (1910:4:4-5:31 (1911:4:1-6:29) (1912:8:23, 10:1-12:31) (1913:1:2-12:30) (1914:7:9-12:31) (1916:1:7-12:31) (1917:1:7-5:31, 7:2-12:29) (1918:1:4-1919:8:30) (1920:1:2-8:31) (1921:1:4-5:1, 7:2-12:31) (1922:1:3-1923:12:31) (1924:4:1-12:31) (1925:1:2-

Maryland State Archives (XKF) 1902-1904, 1907-1908, 1910-1914, 1916-1958, 1960
XKFA FM (1902:9:22) (1903:6:11) (1904:2:8-3:10) (1907:6:1-10:30) (1908:5:1-22) (1910:4:4-5:31) (1911:4:1-6:29) (1912:8:23, 10:1-12:31) (1913:1:2-12:30) (1914:7:9-12:31) (1916:1:7-12:31) (1917:1:7-5:31, 7:2-12:29) (1918:1:4-1919:8:30) (1920:1:2-8:31) (1921:1:4-5:11, 7:2-12:31) (1922:1:3-1923:12:31) (1924:4:1-12:31) (1925:1:2-1954:12:31) (1955:6:22-10:13) (1956:6:1) (1957:4:25, 7:3) (1958:3:18) (1960:8:8) [Scattered issues missing.]
XKFA FMM (1902:9:22) (1903:6:11) (1904:2:8-3:10) (1907:6:1-10:30) (1908:5:1-22) (1910:4:4-5:31) (1911:4:1-6:29) (1912:8:23, 10:1-12:31) (1913:1:2-12:30) (1914:7:9-12:31) (1916:1:7-12:31) (1917:1:7-5:31, 7:2-12:29) (1918:1:4-1919:8:30) (1920:1:2-8:31) (1921:1:4-5:11, 7:2-12:31) (1922:1:3-1923:12:31) (1924:4:1-12:31) (1925:1:2-1954:12:31) (1955:6:22-10:13) (1956:6:1) (1957:4:25, 7:3) (1958:3:18) (1960:8:8) [Scattered issues missing.]

Washington County (XKI) 1969
XKIB OR (1969:7:21) [Washington County Historical Society.]

Dorchester County (XLE) 1902-1904, 1907-1908, 1910-1914, 1916-
XLEC FM (1902:9:22) (1903:6:11) (1904:2:8-3:10) (1907:6:1-10:30) (1908:5:1-22) (1910:4:4-5:31) (1911:4:1-6:29) (1912:8:23, 10:1-12:31) (1913:1:2-12:30) (1914:7:9-12:31) (1916:1:7-12:31) (1917:1:7-5:31, 7:2-12:29) (1918:1:4-1919:8:30) (1920:1:2-8:31) (1921:1:4-5:11, 7:2-12:31) (1922:1:3-1923:12:31) (1924:4:1-12:31) (1925:1:2- [Dorchester County Public Library.]

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