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Easton Gazette

Collection Number MSA SC 2940 [OCLC 10657504]
PublisherA. Graham
LocationEaston, Talbot County, MD | View more titles from this: City, County, State
MSA Collection Dates1822-1926
Publication Dates1822-1929
Collection History
(Easton, Talbot County: A. Graham)

The Easton Gazette began publication February 9, 1822 [ v. 5, no. 218] and ceased November 1, 1929[?]. It was published weekly. It was also published as the Gazette-Democrat, November 9, 1901 - February 15, 1902. The newspaper continues the Easton Gazette, and Eastern Shore Intelligencer (Easton: 1817).

Archives' collection includes issues for May 5, 1832 (MSA SC 2085-36-18), November 1, 1834 (MSA SC 2085-52-7), and November 7, 1835 (MSA SC 2085-52-7).

For abstracts, see: F. Edward Wright, Maryland Eastern Shore Newspaper Abstracts 1819-1824 vol. 4 (Silver Spring, MD: Family Line Publications, 1982); Irma Harper and F. Edward Wright, Maryland Eastern Shore Newspaper Abstracts Northern Counties 1825-1829 vol. 5 (Silver Spring, MD: Family Line Publications, 1983); Irma Harper and F. Edward Wright, Maryland Eastern Shore Newspaper Abstracts Northern Counties 1830-1834 vol. 7 (Silver Spring, MD: Family Line Publications, n.d.).
Related Titles
Easton Gazette, and Eastern Shore Intelligencer
Easton Gazette
Maryland Eastern Shore Newspaper Abstracts 1819-1824
Maryland Eastern Shore Newspaper Abstracts Northern Counties 1825-1829
Maryland Eastern Shore Newspaper Abstracts Northern Counties 1830-1834

MediumOriginal, microfilm, electronic
RestrictionsRESTRICTED: Do not circulate originals without the permission of the Registrar or the Director of the Maryland Newspaper Project
Film No.SCM 2693 - SCM 2694, SCM 3756 - 3762, SCM 7924, SCM 11028 - SCM 11036, SCM 12352 - SCM 12356, SCM 12401
StorageContact the Department of Special Collections for location.
InventoriesMicrofilm Inventory   Collection Inventory   Digital Image Collection
Institutions Holding This Title
Please contact the holding institution. This information may have changed.
Library of Congress (DLC) 1824, 1826, 1828-1829, 1831-1832, 1840, 1863
DLCC OR Newspaper 8129; (1824:11:6) (1826:1:14-1828:11:15) (1829:5:23, 6:27) (1829:7:24, 9:5,12,26, 10:3, 11:13) (1831:7:30) (1832:12:15) (1840:11:7) (1863:8:8) [Scattered issues wanting.]

Enoch Pratt Free Library (MDB) 1876, 1904, 1910, 1913-1914, 1916-1917, 1922, 1924-1925, 1928
MDBE FM (1876:7:8) (1904:6:25-12:10) (1910:9:24-10:15, 11:5-19, 12:3-31) (1913:7:9,23) (1914:1:7) (1916:8:2-9, 10:4, 11:29) (1917:4:4, 6:27) (1922:9:7) (1924:11:6-13) (1925:10:22) (1928:1:13) [Issue for 1876 on American Centennial Newspapers reel.]

New York Historical Society - Newspaper Project (NPU) 1873
NPUA OR (1873:4:5)

American Antiquarian Society - Newspaper Project (NPX) 1827, 1837, 1841-1842, 1851, 1860, 1862, 1866, 1876
NPXX OR (1827:10:27) (1837:7:15) (1841:1:30) (1842:6:18) (1851:10:18) (1860:10:13, 12:15) (1862:6:14) (1866:6:30, 11:10) (1876:9:30)

University of Maryland Libraries (UMC) 1822-1824,1846,1860
UMCP FM s=(1822:2:9-1824:12:25)
UMCP OR (1846:1:24-7:11,25-8:29, 9:12-12:26) (1860:1:7,1:21-4:7,21-10:27, 11:10-12:29)

Maryland Historical Society (XKE) 1822-1848, 1854-1882, 1885-1891, 1897, 1907, 1911, 1914
XKEA FM (1822:2:9-1829:12:26) (1831:2:12-1848:10:7) (1854:5:27-1871:11:11) (1881:5:28-6:4,18-7:16) (1882:3:4-11, 5:20-6:10) (1885:1:2, 7:25-12:26) [Scattered issues missing.]
XKEA OR (1822:2:9-1848:10:7) (1854:5:27-1861:12:7) (1866:2:3-1880:12:25) (1886:1:9-1891:9:12) (1897:12:11-25) (1907:12:28) (1911:4:8) (1914:11:25)

Maryland State Archives (XKF) 1825-1829, 1831-1848, 1854-1871, 1881-1885, 1891-1899, 1904-1928
XKFA FM (1825:1:1-1829:12:26) (1831:2:12-1848:10:7) (1854:5:27-1871:11:11) (1881:5:28-1885:12:26) (1891:8:1-1899:12:23)
XKFA FMM (1825:1:1-1829:12:26) (1831:2:12-1848:10:7) (1854:5:27-1871:11:11) (1881:5:28-1885:12:26) (1891:8:1-1899:12:23) (1904:6:25-1928:1:13) [Missing issues/mutilations not noted.] XKFA OR (1832:5:5) (1834:11:1) (1835:11:7)

Caroline County (XLB) 1925
XLBD OR (1925:1:8) [News and Farmer Office.]

Talbot County (XLD) 1822-1829, 1831-1848, 1850-1873, 1878-1882, 1884-1889, 1891-1908, 1910, 1916-1918, 1920-1921, 1926, 1928-1929
XLDA OR (1861:3:23) (1862:2:15-12:6) (1864:5:7, 12:17) (1865:9:23) (1867:1:26, 2:16, 4:6-11:30, 12:21) (1868:1:11, 1:25-2:15, 3:7-4:18, 5:9-6:6,27-7:18, 8:1,15-9:12,26-10:3, 11:14-12:26) (1869:1:2-3:6) (1871:1:14) (1880:3:20, 4:3,17-5:1, 5:22-6:26, 7:10-9:4, 12:11) (1885:8:1-1889:7:27) (1891:8:1-1908:12:26) (1910:10:15, 12:24-31) (1916:12:20) (1917:1:3, 17-24, 2:7-12, 4:11) (1918:2:7) (1920:9:30) (1921:10:27) (1926:1:7, 2:11,25, 4:8, 5:27, 11:4) [Talbot County Free Library.]
XLDB OR (1871:1:28, 5:20, 7:22) (1872:5:25, 6:8, 7:27-8:3, 9:14-21, 10:12-19, 11:2) (1873:4:26, 5:31, 9:6, 10:18-25, 12:20-27) (1878:2:9, 10:19-26, 11:23) (1879:12:27) (1880:2:7-21, 9:11) (1881:5:28-6:4,18-7:16) (1882:3:4-11, 5:20-17, 6:10) (1884:7:26) (1894:4:7) (1926:10:7) (1928:1:28, 5:12) (1929:9:12, 10:24) [Historical Society of Talbot County.]
XLDC FM (1882:2:9-1829:12:26) (1831:2:12-1848:10:7) (1854:5:27-1871:11:11) (1881:5:28-6:4,18-7:16) (1882:3:4-11, 5:20-6:10) (1885:1:2, 7:25-12:26) (1891:8:1-12:26) (1892:1:2-1899:12:23) [Talbot County Free Library. Scattered issues missing.]
XLDC OR (1823:3:30, 12:21-28) (1823:1:4-1829:1:10) (1831:10:8,22) (1832:1:14, 3:17, 4:7, 5:12, 7:14, 8:4, 9:15, 11:10) (1838:8:4) (1839:12:21) (1840:8:15) (1842:7:16, 9:3) (1844:1:20, 2:10-5:18, 6:1-10:19, 11:2-12:28) (1847:1:2-9, 1:23-10:16, 11:13, 12:4-25) (1848:4:22) (1850:12:28) (1851:1:4, 2:8, 12:27) (1852:1:3-1853:12:17) (1854:1:7-1856:7:12) (1857:12:19-26) (1858:2:20, 4:24-5:8,22, 6:5-19, 7:3,24-12:18) (1859:1:1-1860:12:22) [Talbot County Free Library.]
XLDD OR (1823:9:13) (1901:7:27) [Oxford Museum.]

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