University of Texas at Austin Library (IXA) 1819
IXAA OR (1819:1:15)
New York Historical Society - Newspaper Project (NPU) 1816-1820
NPUA OR (1816:4:6-10,17-27, 5:1-7:16,20-8:24, 9:4,11-28, 10:8-11,15-12:6,14-1817:1:17,21-28, 4:8, 5:2-6,16,23, 6:6,24, 7:8-22,29, 8:2,8-15,29, 9:2, 10:3,31-11:4,11,18-12:5,23) (1818:1:9,23,30, 2:6-24, 3:4-4:3,10-17,24-28, 5:15,22-6:2,12-23,30-7:3,17-21, 8:7-11,18-21, 9:4,18,25-10:6,13,23-11:13,24, 12:1-4,11) (1819:1:5,12,19, 2:9,23, 3:2,9-16,26, 4:6,13-16,30, 5:7-11,18,28, 6:1,8,15-7:30, 8:6,13,24-27, 9:3,10-17, 10:1-11:9,16-23, 12:10,21,24) (1820:1:11,18,25-2:1,8,15-18, 3:3,14-21, 4:4)
American Antiquarian Society - Newspaper Project (NPX) 1816-1824
NPXX OR (1816-1824) [Scattered issues wanting, 1816-1818; scattered issues, 1819-1824.]
Eugene C. Barker Texan History Center (PMP) 1820
PMPB OR (1820:10:27) [Rosenberg Library, Galveston, TX.]
XGD 1819
XGDA OR (1819:10:15)
Maryland State Archives (XKF) 1816-1818, 1824
XKFA OR (1816:4:6-1818:3:31, 4:17,24, 5:1, 6:19,30, 7:17,21, 8:4,18,25, 9:1, 12:8) (1824:7:20) [Scattered issues wanting]
Talbot County (XLD) 1816
XLDB OR (1816:10:11) [Historical Society of Talbot County.] |