(Baltimore: C. H. Schnauffer, by 1856-1866; William Schauffer and Wilhelm Rapp, 1866-1867)
The Baltimore Wecker began publication in October 1851 and ceased March 8, 1867 [jahrg. 18, nr. 58]. It was published daily, except Sunday, in German. Title history based on June 28, 1853 [jahrg. 3, nr. 303]. Other editions include Wochenblatt des Baltimore Wecker (Baltimore). Publication was suspended April 20, 1861-April 29, 1861. The newspaper was continued by the Taglicher Baltimore Wecker (Baltimore: 1867).
The Baltimore Wecker was founded by Carl Heinrich Schnauffer who published and edited the paper until his death in 1854. He was succeeded as publisher by his wife, who is referred to only as "Schnauffer's Widow." William Schnauffer became publisher in 1859. Franz Sigel acquired an interest in the Wecker and appeared as editor April 16, 1865. Sigel left the paper in 1866. The issue of July 6, 1866 indicates that William Schnauffer and Wilhelm Rapp are the publishers.
Issues of this newspaper are from the collection of the Enoch Pratt Free Library. Filming was made possible by funds provided by the Kennedy Institute, Berlin, Germany. |