(Baltimore: Afro-American Co.)
The Afro-American (National, Washington, and Late Baltimore City editions) began publication December 11, 1915 [v. 24, no. 16]. It was published weekly as an African American newspaper. It was also published as the Afro American and the Afro, February-July 1949. Washington, DC editions include the Afro-American (Baltimore: 1932: Capital edition); the Washington Afro-American (Washington, DC: 193[7]); the Washington Afro-American and the Washington Tribune (Washington, DC: 1964); the Afro-American (Washington, DC: 1988: Red Star edition); and the Washington Afro-American and the Washington Tribune (Washington, DC: 1989: Capital edition). Special Washington, DC editions include the Washington Afro-American (Washington, DC: 193[?]); the Washington Afro-American and the Washington Tribune (Washington, D.C.: 1964: Blue Star edition). Other editions include the Afro-American (Philadelphia: 1934). The newspaper continues the Afro-American Ledger (Baltimore: 1900).
Microfilm of the National Edition is available for purchase from UMI.
Archives collection also includes issue for 22 Apr. 1950 reporting the Maryland Court of Appeals reporting Maryland Court of Appeals order for the University of Maryland to admit Esther McCready to the School of Nursing [MSA SC 5166, gift of Dr. Stephen Goldman]. |