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MSA SC 2406
Total results found: 101

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Microfilm Inventory
SCM 9490-1
1 History of the Carmelite Order

Booklet: The Prophet Elias and the Order of Carmel, 1918
History of Our Order, Book 1 and Book 2, nd
Chronology of the Order, 1205-1577. nd
History of the Carmelite Order, nd
History of Carmelites and Mount Carmel, 1960. Postcards, ca 1930s
History of the Carmelite Order, nd
Carmel published by Wheeling Carmel, 2/1924-6/1929

SCM 9491-1
2 Saints of the Carmelite Order

Newsarticles: St. Teresa's Tercentenary, Cath Mirror, 10/14/1882
Sermon: St. Teresa: The Saint of Divine Love by Mgr. Baunard, ca 1897
Poem: S. Teresa of Jesus by Cassie M. O'Hara, 1883
Sermon: Tercentenary Feast of Teresa by Wm F. Clarke, SJ, 10/15/1882
Sermon: by Patrick J. Dooley, 10/13/1898
Apostolic Letter: 3rd Centenary of Teresa's Beatification, Pius X,1914
Sermon: by Patrick J. Dooley, SJ, on feast of St. Teresa, nd
Sermon: on Teresa's Feast by Charles Currier, 10/15/1910
Sermon: by Wm Ennis, SJ on Oct 15, 1916
Triduum: Tercentenary of Canonization of St. Teresa, 1922
Newsarticle: Triduum Honors St Teresa, Cath Review, 10/7&21/1922
Magazine: Church Calendar of W. VA., Teresian Edition, 10/1922
Devotions in Honor of St Teresa of Jesus, 8/30/1924
Sermons: five sermons on Our Holy Mother, nd
Sermon: by Msgr Edward McAdams, 10/15/1943
Saint Teresa: Doctor of the Church by M. Griffin, OCD, 1970
Photo of Liturgy honoring St Teresa as Doctor of the Church, 1970
Vatican Radio Address: St Tersa of Avila, 9/7/1970
Apostolic Letter: Quibus Santa Teresa Abulensis..., in Latin, 1970
Invitation to Mass at Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, 9/27/1970
Newsarticle: The Delightful Doctor Named Teresa, Washington Post, 1970
Preliminary Report: Symposium: Quatercentenary of Teresa's Death, 1982
Chronological Outline of the Teresian Centenary, reports, correspondence, 1981
Celebration of the Fourth Centenary of Teresa's Death, Balt. Carmel
Newsletter: Ark: re celebration: 4th Centenary of Teresa's Death
Lecture: by C. FitzGerald for the 4th Centenary of Teresa's Death
Celebrations: 4th Centenary of Teresa's Death, Barrington Carmel, 1982
Celebration: 4th Centenary Vespers, Brooklyn Cathedral, 1982
Celebration of 4th Centenary of Teresa's Death, Terre Haute, 1981-82
Newsarticle: in The Chicago Catholic, 4th Centenary of Teresa's Death
Announcements/Invitations of Carmels for 4th Centenary, 1981-82
Advertisements for 4th centenary commemoratives, 1981-82
Advertisement: Teresian Lectures for the 4th centenary, Roxbury Carmel
Newsletter: Carmel En Fete, 4th Centenary, Trois-Rivieres, Canada
Opening Celebration: 4th centenary, Savannah & Cleveland Carmels, 1981
Pater Noster of Saint Teresa of Avila, Centenary Edition, 1982
Celebration: 4th centenary, Teresafest, Milwaukee, WI, 10/14/1981

SCM 9492-1
2 Saints of the Carmelite Order

Centenary Special Report, Carmelite Centenary Commission, 1982
Invitation: to exhibit: Teresa, Doctor of the Church, CUA, 9/27/1982
Program: Partita Teresiana by Patrick DiVietri, 1982
Annual Chancellor's Concert: 4th Centenary Celebration, CUA, 1982
Program: Eucharistic Liturgy concluding 4th Centenary Celebration, DC
Carmelite Studies: Centenary of Saint Teresa, 1984
Symposium Celebration Announcement and Schedule, CUA, 10/15-17/1982
Commemorative cards: 4th centenary celebration, 1982
Corres: re Vatican Stamps commemorating 4th centenary, 10/2/1982
Modo de Visitar Los Conventos de Religiosas escripto por Santa Teresa
Reproduction: Visitations (Arios) of St Teresa, 1882
Album Recuerdo de Santa Teresa de Jesus, nd
Pictures and Postcards of St. Teresa
Pictures: Toledo, Avila, Alba de Tormes, from Dr. Kirby, nd
Pictures: Heart of Teresa and the where she was born, nd
Continental Art of St Teresa, ca 1800s
Teresa of Avila: relics, cards sent from Avila, ca 1970s

SCM 9493-1
2 Saints of the Carmelite Order

Second Centenary of Canonization of John of the Cross, (Italian), 1926
Newsarticle: John of the Cross: 3rd Centenary of his death, 11/25/1891
L'Amour de Dieu dans S Jean de la Croix, Chroniques du Carmel, 12/1927
Articles pour la Cause de...Therese de L'Enfant- Jesus..., 1910
Decretum: Beatification & Canonization, Therese of Lisieux, nd
Litterae Decretales, Canonizatione Beatae Teresiae a Iesu Infante, 1925
Decretum: Beatae Theresiae Ab Infante Iseu, 1925
L'Osservatore Romano: Canonization/ Beatification, Therese, 1923
Chap 12: from the Life of St. Teresa of the Infant Jesus, nd
Newsarticles: on Therese of Lisieux, 1910-1917
Newsarticle: re Therese of Lisieux, sent to Cath Review, 9/21/1973
Booklet: The Little Flower Calls Her Godmother to Heaven, ca 1940s
Promulgation of the decree on the Heroic Virtues...Therese, 8/14/1921
Photos: Therese of Lisieux, of Carmel, and Town, 2/1987
Portraits of Therese of Lisieux, nd
Souvenir: Golden Jubilee of Therese's Death, 1847-1947
Therese: The Movie, 1987
Devotional Cards: Carmelite Saints, nd
Mary Magdalen de Pazzi: Picture of her Body in Florence, nd
Biography: Teresa Margaret Redi, in Italian, 1/6/1934
Photos: Teresa Margaret Redi, Florence Carmel, nd
Devotional Cards: Teresa Margaret Redi, 1965

SCM 9494-1
2 Saints of the Carmelite Order

Les Saints et Illustrations de l'Ordre du Carmel, 1921
Decree of Venerable St Anne of Jesus, 5/1883
Memorial cards: Venerable Anne of Jesus, nd
Picture: Anne of Jesus, nd
Decree of Beatification/Canonization, Anne of St Batholomew, 2/1917
Sermons: Triduum of Anne of St Bartholomew, 1918, by Currier
Sermon: Triduum of Anne of St Bartholomew, by Ennis, 5/1/1918
Relic: Vera Effigies, Anne of St Bartholomew, d. 1626, nd
Sermon: Triduum of Anne of St Bartholomew, by Paschasius, 5/1/1918
Pamphlet: Blessed Anne of St Bartholomew, beatified 5/6/1917
Hymn: for the Beatification of Anne of St. Bartholomew, ca 1917
Sermon: Triduum of Anne of St Bartholomew, by Fr. Maurice, 4/13/1918
Booklet: Anne of St. Bartholomew, published in Madrid, 1979
Memorial cards: Anne of St Bartholomew, nd
Martyrs of Compiegne: Decrees on beatification, 1902-1905
Letters: re beatification of Martyrs of Compeigne, 1903-1904
Cure attributed to the Martyrs of Compiegne, ca 1900
Card of Admittance: Beatification: Martyrs of Compiegne, 5/27/1906
List: Supporters (US) of Beatification, Martyrs of Compiegne, ca 1900
List: Supporters (US) of Beautification, Martyrs of Compiegne, ca 1900
Pamphlets: Lives of the Martyrs of Compiegne, 1898-
Booklet: The Carmelite Martyrs of Compiegne by Fr. Phelim, ODC, nd
Chronicle of Stanbrook Abbey on the Martyrs of Compiegne, 7/1906
Newsarticle: Dialogues of the Carmelites Metropolitin Opera, 3/19/1987
Newsarticle: Beatification of Carmelites of Compiegne, 7/27/1905
Letter: re Beatification of Martyrs of Compiegne, 10/9/1899
Martyrs of Compiegne: Decree of Beatification; Lit. Rites, 1902-05
Instruction: Celebration of Triduum following Beatification, 1899-1900
Memorial Card: Dionysius and Redemptus, in French, 1900
Pictures: Dionysius and Redemptus, nd
Dionysius & Redemptus: Decree of Beatification & Martyrdom, 1900
Souvenir of Triduum: Dionysius & Redemptus, Boston Carmel, 5/1901
Solemn Triduum: Dionysius & Redemptus, Balt Carmel, 4/23-25,1901
Pictures: Dionysius and Redemptus, nd
Dionysius & Redemptus: Roman Material re Beatification, 1900

SCM 9495-1
2 Saints of the Carmelite Order

Elizabeth of the Trinity: Photographs, nd
Martyrs of Guadalajara: Cards and Booklets, 1987
Hermann Cohen, OCD: Biography by Mrs. Franz Liebich, nd
Letter: re Beatification of Mother Mary of Jesus, 5/15/1976
Beatification: Mary of Jesus Crucified, 11/13/1983
Biography: Blessed Mary of the Angels, nd
Picture: Marie of St Pierre, Carmel of Tours, nd
Biography: Mary Electa of Jesus by a Carmelite Priest, 1773
Pictures: Mary Electa of Jesus, nd
Meditation for Renovation of Vows by Edith Stein, 9/14/1941
Booklets: Dr Edith Stein, Koln, 1950
Edith Stein Guild, New York, nd
Article: This is the Truth by H. Graef re Edith Stein, 8/1958
Play: Edith Stein at Arena Stage, 1969-1970
Memorial Cards: Beatification of Edith Stein, 1987
Symposium: The Life & Thought of Edith Stein, 9/21,22/1984
Corres: re painting of Edith Stein commissioned for beatifcation, nd
Song: Lied zur Verehrung der seligen Edith Stein, 1986-87
Poem: re Edith Stein, ca 1980s
Articles: Beatification of Edith Stein, 1987
Edith Stein: Information on Beatification, 1987
Edith Stein: Excerpts from her writings, 1986
Article: on Edith Stein, in Company, 7/1984
Photographs of Edith Stein, nd
Notice of Beatifications, 1987
Memorial Card: Teresa of the Andes, nd
Titus Brandsma: Invitation to Mass and Reception, 2/23/1986
Program: Liturgy of Thanksgiving... Titus Brandsma, 2/23/1986
Titus Brandsma: Biography and photos, 1986
Titus Brandsma: Biographical Material, 1986
Photos of Titus Brandsma, nd

SCM 9496-1
3 Spiritual Writings of Other Carmelites

Monastic Exhortations by Fr Stephen of St Francis Xavier, 1845
Monastic Exhortations by Fr Stephen of St Francis Xavier, 1845
Carmelogia by Mother Augustine of the Mother of God, 1902
Course of Lectures on Mental Prayer by Angelus M. Kopp, OCD, 1947
How to Pray by Fr Marie Eugene of the Infant Jesus, OCD, ca 1950
Instructions: Traditional Devotion to Mary, Gabriel of M. Magdalen, nd
Instructions: Traditional Devotion to Mary, Gabriel of M. Magdalen, nd
Instructions: Traditional Devotion to Mary, Gabriel of M. Magdalen, nd
Commentary on Sponsa Christi by Gabriel of M. Magdalen, Rome, 1951
Magazine: Marie: Notre Dame du Mont-Carmel, in French, 11,12/1952
Papers on Carmelite Life, Sr Immaculata of St Paul Carmel ?, ca 1960s

SCM 9497-1
4 Generalate Records

Chapter Documents: Ex Actis Capituli, 1955
Chapter: Reports, J. Neilson, May-July, 1967
Chapter: Unofficial reports, NO. 1 &2, 1967
Chapter: Unofficial Chapter Report, No. 3, 1967
Chapter: Unofficial Chapter Report, No. 4, 1967
Chapter: Unofficial Chapter Report, #5, 1967
Chapter: Unofficial Chapter Report, No. 6, 1967
Chapter: Unofficial Chapter report, No. 7,1967
Chapter: Unofficial chpater report, No. 8, 1967
Chapter: Message to Nuns of the Order, 1968
Chapter: Message from the General Chapter,1968
Chapter: Message of Chapter to Religious of the Order, 1973
Chapter: Reports, 1979
Chapter: Official Acta Postulationis Generalis, 1973-79
Pastoral Letter: Clement, On Spirit of Order, 1918
Pastoral Letter: Clement, on Reading Words of OHM, 1918
Pastoral Letter: Clement, To Order On St.Teresa's Feast, 1919
Pastoral Letter: Clement, On Obedience, 1919
Pastoral Letter: Peter Thomas, Carmelite Life, 1938
Pastoral Letter: Peter Thomas, On Conditions in Spain, 1937
Pastoral Letter: Peter Thomas, Spirit of Carmel, 1940
Pastoral Letter: Peter Thomas, Duties of Present, 1941
Pastoral Letter: Silverius of St Teresa, 1946
Pastoral Letter: Silverius, Missionary Spirit, 1952
Pastoral Letter: Silverius, Holy Year, 1949
Pastoral Letter: Mary-Eugene of the Child Jesus, 1954
Pastoral Letter: Anastasius, Spirit of Carmel, 1957
Pastoral Letter: Anastasius, Our Lady of Lourdes, 1958
Circular Letter: Anastasius, 1958-1967
Pastoral Letter: Anastasius, Vita Teresiana, 1962
Pastoral Letter: Michael Angel, Fourth Centenary, 1968
Pastoral Letter: Michael Angel, Apostolic Letter, 1971
Pastoral Letter: Finian, A Life of Prayer, 1977
Pastoral Letters: 1879-1880
Circular Letter: William of St Albertus, 1929
Pastoral Letter: Luke of the Most Holy Mary, ca 1920s
Pastoral: Anselm of St Andrew, re Peter Thomas, 1946

SCM 9498-1
4 Generalate Records

Proclamation: Bernardine of St Teresa, Union of Provinces, 1897
Generalate: Bernardine of St Teresa, Indulgences, 1892
Off. Corresp: Bernardine, on Carmelite Martyrs, 1900
Summary: Indulgences Granted the Order, 1910
Announcement: Beatification of Therese-Marguerite, 1910
Generalate: Decisions re Nuns, 1920
Generalate: Summary of indulgences, Rome, 1922
Summary: Indulgences re canonization of Therese, 1922
Generalate: Wm of St Albert, on Fast, 1930
Corresp: William of St Albert, on Sacred Heart, St John, 1930
Generalate: The Supplement on Rubrics, 1936-1938
Generalate: Peter Thomas, Act of Consecration, 1942
Generalate: Ephemerides Carmeliticae Publicity, 1947
Corresp: Anastasius, on Therese-Marguerite, 1959
Corresp: Silverius of St Teresa, Norms of Fast/Abstin., 1947
Corresp: Mary-Eugene, on Marian Year, prayer intentions, 1954
Corresp: Rome Provincial, On 10th Anniv of Peter Thomas's death, 1956
Generalate: Anastasius, Rubrics for Nuns, 1960
Announcement: Benjamin, OCD, Silver Jubilee of Anastasius, 1961
Generalate: Norms re constitutions and liturgy, 1965
Exhortation: Anastasius, Norms at Renewal, 1966
Instructions: Thomas Kilduff, OCD, 1964
Generalate: Voting Process Questions, 1967
Circular Letter: Philip Sainz, on health of Finian, 1975
Conference: Silverius, Teresian Spirituality, ca 1950s
Address: for Anastasius, Pilgrimage, Mt Carmel, 1960s
Address: Anastasius, re Cardinal Cento, 1959
Conversations: Anastasius and Carmels in Europe, 1961
Essay: Anastasius, Carmelite Asceticism, 1963
Essay: Anastasius, Rule of Carmel, 1964
Lecture: Micael Angel, Dublin, 1969
Decree: Michael Angel, re Doctor of the Church title, 1970
Corresp: Michael Angel to Prioress, re renewal, 1967-68
Generalate: Bursar and Financial Fund for Expansion, 1980-1
Correspondence from Philip Sainz de Baranda, 3/1/1980
Correspondence from Philip Sainz de Baranda, 3/19/1980
Letters re establishment of Secretariat for the Nuns, 1981
Correspondence from Philip Sainz de Baranda, 4/15/1985
Correspondence from Philip Sainz de Barnada, 11/12, 1985
Correspondence from Philip Sainz de Baranda, 12/8/1986
Correspondence from Philip Sainz de Baranda, 12/25/1987
Corres: Philip Sainz de Baranda, Patricia Scanlan, 1988
Correspondence from Philip Sainz de Baranda, 1979-1985
Visit of Philip Sainz de Baranda to Balt Carmel, 8/1/1986
International Meeting of OCD Educators, Rome, 9/21-27/1981
Directory: Conspectus of all Houses, of OCDs 1947, 1952
Photo: Luke of St John of the Cross, 1872
Vita: Peter Thomas, with Sec General, Provincial, 1946
Vita: Peter Thomas, death account, 1946
Photo, news clipping: Death of Peter Thomas, 1946
Circular Letter: Anselm of St Andrew, Rome, 1946
Funeral Sermon: William of St Albert, 1947
Photo: Carmelites, Fr. Silverius, with Pius XII, ca 1950s
Vita: Mary-Eugene of the Child Jesus, death card, 1967
Blueprints: Carmelite Convent, according to architect, n.d.
Announcement: Estab of the Hist Institute at Teresianum, 1971
Memorial card: Cardinal Girolemo Maria Gotti, 1916
Photograph: came with Anne of St. Bartholomew's beatification pictures
Photo: Collegium Internationale Carmelitarum Excalceatorum, Romae, nd

SCM 9499-1
RESTRICTED: Do not circulate without the permission of the Carmelite Monastery
4 Generalate Records Corresp: Theodore OCD, Dublin, 1855-1859 Corresp: Teresa Sewall to Superior General, 1856 Corresp: Noel of St Ann, 1858 Corresp: Domic of St Joseph, 1866 Corresp: Denis of St Teresa, 1868 Corresp: Jerome Marie, indulgences, devotion to BVM, 1875 Corresp: Luke of St John, 1875 Correp: Luke of St John, 1876 Corresp: Luke of St John, 1877-1878 Corresp: Luke of St John, 1879-1881 Corresp: Gelin of Jeus, 1877 Corresp: Jerome-Marie, 1882-1887 Corresp: Dionysius of St Teresa, Brussels, 1881 Corresp: Dionysius of St Teresa, scapular, 1884 Correp: Dionysius of St Teresa, Holy Kings, scapular, 1886 Corresp: Dionysius, Apostleship of Prayer, etc., 1886 Corresp: Dionysius of St John, misc., 1887 Corresp: Denis of the Sacred Heart, 1889 Corresp: Jerome-Marie, re Carmel in America, 1890 Corresp: Clement Mary, on Office of Dead, 1912 Corresp: Clement-Mary, business, 1914-1929 Corresp: Luke, Mass intentions, 1921 Corresp: Luke of Most Holy Mary, 1923-1925 Corresp: Luke, receipts, requests, 1921-1925 Corresp: Elias of St Ambrose, gratitude, 1922 Corresp: William of St Albert, re visitation, 1927-29 Generalate: Permissions, 1932 Correspondence: Clement Mary, 1935-1937 Corresp: Peter Thomas, Oklahoma Carmel, 1938 4 Generalite Records Corresp: Peter Thomas, 1946 4 Generalate Records Corresp: Silverius, V.G, Prioress, 1946 Corresp: Silverius, re Philippines foundation, 1946 Corresp: Anastasius, Genoa, re restoration, 1946 Corresp: Silverius, regulations, 1948 Corresp: Silverius, transfer and size of membership, 1949 Corresp: Michael Angel, re Naga and new foundations, 1948-49 Corresp: Eusebius, permissions, 1956-1958 Corresp: Anastasius, re general community life, 1955-1961 Regulations: re profession ceremony, etc., 1950s Corresp: Peter Thomas, re validity of previous election, 1961 Corresp: Anastasius, on 400th Anniversary, 1962 Corresp: Anastasius, re new monastery, Teresian celebr, 1962-65 Corresp: Anastasius, renewal, Constitutions, 1965 Corresp: M Celine to Anastasius, 1966 Corresp: Albert, Definitor General, 1965-66 Corresp: Thomas Kilduff, re renewal problems, 1967 Corresp: Mo. Mary Magdalen and Michael Angel, 1967 Corresp: Finian to MM Magdalen, 1967-1968 Corresp: Finian, donations for women's Carmels, 1969-71 Corresp: Damasus, slide presentation, 1982

SCM 9500-1
5 Ancient Observance Generalate Records Newsletter: CITOC, 1985-1986 News: Meeting of OCarm Nuns, Fatima, 1986

SCM 9501-1
I CARMELITE ORDER 6 Worldwide Carmel, Nuns and Friars Austria: Innsbruch, 1946-1947 Austria: Wien and other cities, 1947-1965 Belgium: Liege, Lokeren, Malines, 1946-1948 Belgium: Antwerp, re federation, 1967-68 England: Chichester: Votive Mass Celebrating 1678-1978 England: Lancaster, Newbury, Ware, 1970 England: Liphook, re Christmas Cards, 1954-1957 England: London, 1988 England: Norwich, 1966-67 England: Sussex, re Tercentenary, 1978 England: Report of Meeting, Prioresses & Deleg, 1974 Ireland: Dublin and Newry, 1966- Scotland: Kirkintilloch Carmel, Glasgow, 1979- France: Angers, 1947- France: Compiegne, 1897-1906 France: Lisieux, 1907 France: Lisieux, 1916-1923 France: Lisieux, 1925 France: Lisieux, An account during WWII, 1944 France: Lisieux, 1947 France: Lisieux, Helen Marie, cousin of Therese, 1905 France: Lisieux, Life of Mo Agnes of Jesus, 1952 France: Lisieux, Life of S.Genevieve Martin, 1961 France: Lisieux, death notice, Genevieve Martin, n.d. France: Lisieux, corresp, 1986-1988 France: Livry, 1984 France: Meaux, 1946, 1980-1987 France: Carmels, misc, 1934-1946 France: Newsclippings, 1947- France: Photo, St Denis Monastery (Mme Louise) Germany: Junkersdorf (Cologne), 1946-1952 Germany: Carmels at Putzchen, Konignsbach, 1947-1949 Germany: Publicity and newsclippings, 1960-1988 Holland: Collenberg, Sittard 1946-1987 Hungary: Rev Stephen Kemenes, Budapest, 1946-1949 Hungary: Budapest, OCD Provincial, 1946 Hungary: Budapest, Rev Rudolph Hamory, 1946
SCM 9502-1
6 Worldwide Carmel, Nuns and Friars Italy: Arezzo, 1965- Italy: Florence, 1945-1948 Italy: Genoa, 1947 Italy: Livorno, 1946-1948 Italy: Loreto, Ancona, 1953 Italy: Lucca, 1946-1958 Italy: Milan, 1946 Italy: Rome, 1946-1959 Italy: Rome, 1954-1957; 1961 Italy: Rome, 1960- Italy: Scandale, 1982 Italy: Rome, 1947-48; 1957 Italy: Terni, 1972- Poland: Cracow, 1947-1949 Poland: Cracow, Account of War Experience, Uprising, 1948 Poland: Carmels, misc, 1967-1983 Poland: Poznan, Wroclaw, 1947 Poland: Przemyl, 1947 Poland: Auschwitz, publicity, 1987 Jugoslavia: Ljubljana, 1946 Soviet Union, Account on Suppression, 1886- Portugal: Missa, Alvares Pereira, 1956 Portugal: Mission Seminary and Carmel, Braga, 1967-1975 Spain: Publicity, 1953 Spain: Publicity on Visit of John Paul to Spain, 1982 Spain: History of Foundation, St Joseph, Avila, 1954 Spain: Avila, 1948-1969 Spain: Avila, 1970-1979 Spain: Ayacucho, 1964 Spain: Burgos, Margarita Maria, 1982 Spain: Castellon, 1946 Spain: Lerida, 1983-1986 Spain: Madrid: The Fourth Century, 1986 Spain: Madrid, "La Madre Miravellas de Jesus, 1975 Spain: Malagan Carmel, request, 1983-1984 Spain: Pamplona, 1959 Spain: Zaragozo, 1981-1984

SCM 9503-1
RESTRICTED: Do not circulate without the permission of the Carmelite Monastery
6 Worldwide Carmel, Nuns and Friars Philippines: The Paper of Exaction, 1927 Philippines: Chronicle, ca 1940s Philippines: On Founder, Theresa of Jesus, 1882-1958 Philippines: History, Jaro and P.I., 1983 Philippines: Carmelights, Quarterly, 1976 Philippines: Association of Monasteries, P.I, 1984 Philippines: Newsclippings, Bishops of PI, 1947 Philippines: Newsclipping, Virgin of Penafrancia, 1981 Philippines: Bacolod, Ceremonies, 1958 Philippines: Bacolod, Formation, 1978- Philippines: Bangcua, Tuba, Benguet, 1983 Philippines: Bukidnon,proposed Foundation, 1976 Corresp: S Mary Aimee, OCD, Jubilee, 1952 Philippines: Cebu City, 1967-1983 Philippines: Cebu City, Silver Jubilee, 1974 Philippines: Infanta, 1980- Philippines: Experimental, Infanta, 1982 Philippines: Lipa City, 1947 Lucena: M Cecile, 50th Jubilee, 1965 Philippines: Quezon City, 1946-1947 Philippines: Manila, 1957- Philippines: Finian Monahan, Quezon City Meeting, 1977 Philippines: Cardinal Jaime Sin, Speeches, 1986 Philippines: Marawi, 1980s Corres: S. Madeleine (Marawi) to S. Patricia Scanlan, 1981-84 Some reflections on Dialogue by Bishop B. S. Tudtud, 5/18-22/1982 Philippines: Marawi, 1986 Newsarticle: Abduction of 10 Filipino Nuns, Baltimore Sun, 7/14/1986 Philippines: Zamboanga, Silver Jubilee, 1961 Corres: S. Therese Margaret (Zamboanga) to S. Patricia Scanlan, 1974-7 Philippines: Zamboanga, 1976-9 Corres: S. Theresa Margaret to S. Patricia Scanlan, 1977-79 Corres: S. Therese Margaret (Zamboanga) to S. Patricia Scanlan,1980-88 Corres: S. Elizabeth Mary (Zamboanga), S. Patricia Scanlan, 1979 Philippines: Locsin Clan Book, Reunion, 1980 Philippines: Zamboanga, Silver Jubilee Account, 1981 Philippines: Poster of Secular Order, Celeb, 1982 Philippines: Zamboanga, Death notice, 1985 Philippines: Zamboanga, 1978- Philippines: Programs and Photos, 1979- Jaro: Official Authorizations, 1946 Jaro: Msgr. Nelligan, 1946 Jaro: Msgr. Nelligan, 1947-1948 Jaro: Indult to transfer, 1947 Jaro: Pedro Santos, Bp of Nueva Caceres, 1948 Naga: Pedro Santos, 1948 Jaro: Bishops' corresp re new foundation, 1948 Jaro: Catholic Welfare Organization, 1948 Jaro: Catholic Welfare Organization, 1948 Philippines: Official corresp, 1948-49 Philippines: Vagnozzi and S John, 1949 Philippines, for Jaro: Initial costs, 1947 Jaro: Telegrams re arrival, 1947 Jaro: Thomas Kilduff, OCD, welcome, 1947 Jaro: S John Wise, corresp, first letter from Jaro Carmel, 1947 Jaro: S.John re beginning struggles, 1947-1948 Jaro: S John, re move to Naga, 1949 Jaro: S.Cecilia and Mary, 1951 Jaro: S Cecilia, 1956-1960 Jaro:S Bernadette, others, 1984- Jaro: Publicity: Departure of SS.John and Aloysius, 1947 Jaro: Silver Jubilee Program, 1923-1948 Jaro: Diamond Jubilee Account, 1983 Jaro: S Cecilia, 1986

SCM 9504-1
6 Worldwide Carmel, Nuns and Friars Naga: Article on Naga Carmel, arrival, 1949 Naga: Magazine article, The Voice of Carmel, 1955 Naga: Authorization to found at Naga, 1949 Corresp: Thomas Kilduff, re Naga's establ, ca 1948 Naga: Blueprint, 1951 Naga: Blueprints offered by SVDs, 1956 Naga: Blueprint, 1959 Naga: Donation deed, purchase of equipment, Altar Breads, 1974- Naga: List of Nuns, Naga Carmel, 1952 Naga: Photos, 1957-1959 Naga: Program, Profession, S. Rose Vytiaco, 1957 Naga: Souvenir, Silver Jubilee, 1977 Naga: Finances, donations, 1968-1970 Naga: Business accounts and legal matters, 1974-1980 Naga: Accountbook: Mercantile Safe Deposit Co, 1979 Naga: J.Dorsey Brown Correspondence, 1982- Naga: General corresp, 1950 Naga: S Mary Magdalen to MMM, 1951-52 Naga: General correspondence, 1956 Naga: AQ Sobrepena, 1956 Naga: Naga Prioress to MMM, 1956 Naga: S Marie Cecile de Jesus, 1957 Naga: Marie Cecile, re Lucena Carmel, 1958-1959 Naga: Bishop Teopisto Alberto, 1962 Naga: Re death of S Aloysius, 1963 Naga: Death notices, S Aloysius, 1963 Naga: Christmas correspondence, 1975 Naga: Corresp and Silver Jubilee programs, S Mary, 1978 Naga: general correspondence, 1981-1983 Naga Foundation: M Aloysius, from Manila, 1949 Naga: M Aloysius, 1955 Naga: Aloysius, 1957 Naga: S Aloysius, trials, 1958-1959 Naga: S Aloysius, 1960 Naga Carmel: Photos, captioned, ca 1960 Naga: S Aloysius, 1961 Naga: S Aloysius, 1962 Naga: Last letter of S Aloysius, 12/19/1962 Naga: Scrapbook of Death, Life of S Aloysius, 1962 Naga: Death Notice, Mother Aloysius, 1963 Naga: S John, 1953-1956 Naga: S John, 1957 Naga: S John, 1958-1961 Naga: S John, 1962-1964 Naga: S John, 1964-1966 Naga: S John, 1967 Naga: S John, 1970 Corres: Bishop Claver, S. John Wise, S. Patricia Scanlan, 1976 Naga: S John, personal and financial, 1974-1979 Naga: S John, financial matters, 1979-1984 Corres: S. John Wise, S. Margaret Mary, S. Patricia Scanlan, 1981-85 Naga and U.S: S John, 1980-1982 Corresp: John Wise, Naga Carmel, 1982-1988 Naga: S John and S Constance, 1981-1982 Naga: S John to Constance, 1982-1987


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