The Folger Shakespeare Library, Washington, D.C.
Theodore de Bry, Emblemata nobilitatis : Stamm- und Wappenbuch ... mit einem vorwort über die geschichtliche Entwickelung der Stammbücher bis zum Ende des XVI. Jahrhunderts / Herausgegeben von Friedrich Warnecke. Facsimile of the 1593 edition. (Berlin : J.A. Stargardt, 1894).
Johann Amos Comenius, [Orbis sensualium pictus. English & Latin] Joh. Amos Comenii Orbis sensualium pictus: hoc est, omnium fundamentalium in mundo rerum, & in vitâ actionum pictura & nomenclatura.= Joh. Amos Come[nius’s] Visible world. (London : printed for Charles Mearne, his Majesties bookseller at the Kings Arms at Charing-Cross, 1685).
The wits, or, Sport upon sport. In select pieces of drollery, digested into scenes by way of dialogue. Together with variety of humors of several nations, fitted for the pleasure and content of all persons, either in court, city, countrey, or camp. The like never before published. Part I. (London : printed for Henry Marsh, at the sign of the Princes Arms in Chancery-Lane, 1662).
L’Amérique de Théodore de Bry : une collection de voyages protestante du XVIe siècle : quatre études d’iconographie / par Michèle Duchet ... [et al.]. Part IV (Paris : Editions du CNRS, [1987])
John Speed, [Theatre of the Empire of Great Britaine. Latin] Theatrum imperii Magnæ Britanniæ; exactam regnorum Angliæ Scotiæ Hiberniæ et insularum adiacentium geographia[m] ob oculos ponens: vna cum comitatibus, centurijs, vrbibus et primarijs comitatum oppidis intra regnum Angliæ, divisis et descriptis., (Imprinted at London : Excusum [T. Snodham] apud Ioann: Sudbury a Georg: Humble, Anno cum privilegio 1616).