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Inventory for MSA SC 4403-321

MSA SC 4403-321 contains 1 unit(s). Showing results 1 to 1.

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MSA SC 4403-321-1
RESTRICTED: Do not circulate without the permission of the State Archivist, Registrar of Special Collections, or Curator of Artistic Property
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Loose items:
1. Color blowup of a Tangier Sound Country Bluegrass Festival ticket, Crisfield, Maryland, sponsored by Channel 2, WMAR, August 25, 1990.
2. Mass Transit Administration bus sign advertising information to receive Medicaid with a picture of a doctor.
3. MVA and Chesapeake Bay Trust advertisement for the Maryland Commemorative Bay Plate, with a picture of the plate and a scene from the Bay.
4. Color poster for the 1991 William Donald Schaefer Crab Feast at Wilmer Park, Chestertown, Maryland, has a caracteur of him holding a crab, September 7, 1991.
5. Orange plastic poster entitled "Chart of Legal Sizes and Limits for Fishing in Maryland's Tidal Waters," showing the 11 most popular species of fish, made by the Tidewater Administration, Maryland Department of Natural Resources, revised 1989.
6. Unframed poster by the Maryland Natural Resources Police, informing Potomac River visitors that 18 people drowned there in 1989 and asking them to wear a life preserver.
7. Poster for the Maryland State Employees Conference for November 9, 1990, lists keynote speaker, workshops, awards, and miscellaneous information.
8. Two Chesapeake Bay Endangered Species Fund signs, one showing a threatened Black Skimmer with chicks and the other with a nesting Piping Plover with eggs.
Box with large mailing tubes containing:
    Tube 1: Two yellow signs advertising the Senior Information Assistance of the Maryland Office on Aging; five color posters entitled "Great Seals of Maryland," showing the Seal since c. 1634 until the present.
    Tube 2: Poster from the Maryland Department of Economic and Employment Development Advisory Commission on Sports warning of the physical risks of steroids; black and white poster from the Maryland Deparment of Resources of a man holding a computer keyboard, advertising the Client Information System; color poster of William Donald Schaefer wearing a "Maryland, You are Beautiful" T-shirt, color poster advertising Concourse D'Elegance, an exhibit of thoroughbreed art, May 13, 1989, Rash Field, Inner Harbor; color poster for the Maryland, You are Beautiful campaign and a picture of children at the Inner Harbor holding balloons representing the counties; color poster advertising the Maryland State Police with color pictures of various officiers; color poster advertising the Surface Mining Safety Program, Maryland Deparment, Natural Resources, with a cartoon drawing of a miner; color poster/drawing of the Inner Harbor with a Wave '88, date April 26-28, 1988.
    Tube 3: Official Maryland State Poster, 1990, reading "Chesapeake," with a water fowl; color poster advertising the First Joint Archaeological Congress that met in Baltimore, Maryland, January 5-9, 1989; color poster of the Seals of Maryland, showing and explaining the Seal of the State of Maryland, the Counties, and Baltimore City; color poster advertising the Governor's Cup Slalom and Giant Slalom Ski Races at the WISP Resort, Garrett county, 1988; color poster of the Maryland Pride with a representation of the flag of the State of Maryland; color poster showing the cover of Maryland's Seafood Cookbook III; color poster advertising the Maryland Agricultural Water Quality Cost Share Program, sponsored by the Maryland Department of Agriculture.
    Tube 4: Anti-drug color poster with the slogan "Drugs Don't Work Here," with various construction tools; poster-size official schedule of the Preakness Celebration '91, May 10, 1991; Preakness Celebration '91 poster advertisement; color poster for the Harbor Place International Street Performers Festival, July 16-23, 1989; color poster for the National Kite Festival celebrating the road that brought the settlers into Western Maryland, May 20-21, 1989.
    Tube 5: Black and white poster of an exhibit about North Avenue 1888-1988, September 15-October 30, 1988; color poster advertising the Chesapeake Bay and Endangered Species Fund encouraging people to donate via their tax return, with picture of a nesting Piping Plover with eggs; color poster by Budweiser Beer showing a picture of the Chesapeake and the slogan "Chesapeake Bay. Together we can turn the tide;" color poster asking citizens to write to their U.S. Congressmen to improve and revitalize the Land and Water Conservation Fund, made by the Maryland Department of Natural Resources, Forest Park and Wildlife Service. Program Open Space and local park and recreation deparments; color poster advertising May Days at the Historic St. Mary's City, May 5-6; color poster from the Department of Natural Resources reminding squirrel hunters that squirrel season is close by showing a picture of the endangered Del Marva Fox Squirrel; color poster from the Maryland Department of Natural Resources advertising Pump-Out Stations; color poster advertising to help the Chesapeake Bay and its coastal areas, showing a picture of the Bay; two small color posters for the Chesapeake Bay Endangered Species Fund advertising Line 62 on the State Income Tax Reform, one showing the nesting Piping Plover with eggs and a threatened Black Skimmer with chicks, postcard for Maryland's Coastal Zone Management Program with color picture of the Bay.
    Tube 6: Color poster and calander showing a representation of Pennsylvania Avenue looking towards the U.S. Capitol, Washington, D.C., 1991; Cultural Heritage Map of Maryland showing a timeline of migration, project of the Maryland Ethnic Heritage Commission, from the We the People series; color poster advertising the Maryland Days celebration in Historic St. Mary's City, March 24-25, 1990; color poster advertising the Pocomoke River Canoe Challenge and Cypress Festival, June 22-23; color poster advertising Kunta Kinte High Heritage Days Festival, Annapolis, Maryland, September 29-October 1, 1989; color print marked sample entitled "Cross Street Market Raw Bar," showing a scene from the bar, Cross Street Market 1100 S. Charles Street; color poster advertising the 1891-1991 Centenial of the Red Brick Courthouse, Rockville, Maryland; color satellite photograph of the Chesapeake Bay and Baltimore.
    Tube 7: Color poster for Project KISS advertising car seats for children and has picutres ofo children in safety seats; color poster from the Department of Health and Mental Hygine showing the ways to and not to dispose of used needles; color poster showing a boy in a car safety seat, advertisement for Project KISS; color advertisement by Project KISS providing instructions as to how to strap a baby into a car safety seat; color poster by Project KISS advertising a safety seat as a gift for a baby; color poster with photographs of children advertising the Healthy Kids Program; yellow posters from the Department of Health and Mental Hygine, written in English, Spanish, and French, to keep food in the refrigerator, keep dishes washed, use toilet paper in the batheroom, keep your garbage can covered, and wash hands; five color posters advertising the use of condoms to prevent AIDS; color poster advertising the use of condoms and encouraging the end of substance showing condoms and needles; color poster for a Quit Smoking Contest, July 6-August 3; color poster showing children and animals, with caption "Love your own, Live Others Alone;" color poster advertising food groups for healthy eating.
    Tube *: Color poster of the Pride of Baltimore II Commission Week October 15-23, 1988, showing a drawing of the Pride of Baltimore II and a calander of events; color poster as described above without calendar and signed by artist Bill Cook; color poster advertising tourism in Maryland, with various objects from Maryland activities, such as sunglasses and a sailboat; color poster-like calendar from China Arilines for 1990, each month has a separate painnting, written in English and Chinese; informational sign explaining the Conoy Indian arrows circa 1625-50, presented on behalf of Save Saint Mary's Inc. at the British ambassador's house , March 20, 1990; color poster of the Great Seals of Maryland with the seals of Maryland from circa 1634-present; Christmas and New Year card from Yuan-Yuan Chiu, Columbia, Maryland; color poster from the Maryland Commission of Physical Fitness entitled "Office Exercise Program" with instructions for and pictures of exercises suitable for the office.
    Tube 9: Yellow poster with a commemorative birth certificate, to benefit the Children's Trust Fund; poster advertising the Maryland Pharmacy assistance program; poster informing readers about how and where to register complaints against nursing homes; color poster entitled "Great Historic Homes of Maryland," with pictures of 9 houses, made by Maryland Magazine, 1985, out of print; color poster about the 350th anniverary of Maryland, made by Maryland Magazine, 1984, out of print; color poster advertising adult day care with pictures of various activities; color poster advertising Health Kids Program, showing pictures of children, flyer informing readers about state definitions of nursing home abuse; yellow poster announcing that vendors accept WIC vouchers; two posters blowing up a help-wanted advertisement to encourage the employment of older workers; two posters advertising "Hire the Older Worker Week, March 13-17," with a picture of a woman; two posters advertising "Hire the Older Worker Week, March 13-17," with a drawing of a telephone and list of qualities of older workers; poster with a black and white drawing of a couple and their baby encouraging the use of safety seats; pink poster advertising the WIC program and providing information about it.
    Tube 10: Administrative chart of the functions of the Maryland Division of Parole and Probation; two color posters from the Maryland State Fire Marshall's Office about arson, $5000 paid for information regarding arson; poster for the Maryland Motorcycle Safety Program, directed at automobile drivers, showing a car and a motorcycle; color poster advertising Maryland Motorcycle Safety Awareness Week, June 11-17, 1989, showing proper clothing to be worn by motorcyclists; yellow poster for the Maryland Department of Transportation's Clean-Up Campaign; poster for the Garrett County Designated Driver Program; blue banner reading "Smith Island, MD," with attached postercard from Smith Island to William Donald Schaefer from Elaine Eff about the Smith Island Museum; folding tip card for the Garrett county Designated Driver Program; poster for the Historic St. Mary's City Christmas Shopping Faire, November 18-19; poster advertising the presentation of Count Dracula at the 1988 Maryland Shakespeare Festival in St. Mary's City; poster advertising Tidewater Archaeology Weekend at St. Mary's City; poster advertising Brand Militia Muster and Harvest Home Festival, St. Mary's City, October 21-22, 1989; poster advertising Maryland Days at St. Mary's City, March 25-26, 1989; poster advertising Martime Heritage Museum at St. Mary's City. September 9-10, 1989; poster advertising American Indian Culture Day at St. Mary's City, October 1, 1989.
    Tube 11: Blow-up color photograph of a street sign reading "Unclogging our Arteries," with a photocopy of William Donald Schaefer put onto the picture; poster advertising Volunteer and Community Service Day, October 23, 1993; two posters advertising the Baltimore City Fair, September 18-20, 1987; poster advertising the Butler Institute of American Art, Youngstown, Ohio, with calendars for January, February, and March, showing the painting "Misty Day in March;" by Ernest Lawson; poster for the Maryland Lead Poisoning Prevention Week, May 7-13, 1990, showing sources in the home for lead; color poster showing a city activity and promoting environmental awareness; poster advertising Historic Preservation Week, showing buildings from downtown Hagerstown, occuring in Hagerstown, Maryland, May 11-17, 1986; color poster of the Baltimore Inner Harbor; color poster showing a blue crab and the Bay in the background.
    Tube 12: Color poster advertising the William Paca House and Garden, Annapolis, Maryland, showing color photographs; color poster for Baltimore, showing pictures of various sights; poster advertising Nelson Salabes, 1988, with rectangles and the colors yellow and blue; poster showing a scene of the Inner Harbor from Federal Hill, stamped "Sample;" entitled "Baltimore Harbor 1987: A View from Federal Hill," color poster advertising Cycle across Maryland, July 26-August 1, 1992, color poster advertising milk for school breakfasts.
    Tube 13: Poster with a black and white photographic copy of a Maryland license plate reading "IDIOT," and asking drivers to be safe and courteous on the roads; poster informing readers about the the new drunk driving law where licences are revoked immediately; color poster advertising Maryland State Employees and Retirees Open Enrollment, October 2-November 17, 1989; poster with a finger pushing a turn signal asking people to do simple safety measures; poster advertising Maryland's Pride at Work photo contest, with picture of Ritz Camera and the flag of the State of Maryland on the lens; poster advertising Club Maryland membership for Maryland State Employees; poster for the Employee Assistance Program for the State of Maryland and how to get a confidential interview; color poster of the Official Maryland State Poster 1989, entitled "Faces of Maryland" with pictures of symbols and activities of the state; poster from Maryland and Virginia explaining how to drive with trucks on the road.
    Tube 14: Poster advertising the Patuxent River Appreciation Days Festival, October 13-14, 1990; poster for National Flag Day Ceremonies, June 14, 1990, held in Baltimore, Maryland, showing pictures of the 50 student representatives who carried their state flags; flyer advertising foods used as snacks, with nod pad; color poster for Community Service Day, October 13, 1990; poster and flyer for hurricaine preparedness for boaters, providing tips; color poster advertising Children's Day on the Farm at Jefferson Patterson Park and Museum, St. Leonard, Maryland, Sunday, June 4; color poster advertising Pump-Out stations; color poster showing how to fill out a sport fishing and crabbing license application; color poster advertising downtown Hagerstown Historic Preservation, showing the same building in 1910, 1986, and 1987.
Small mailing tubes
    Tube 15: Three color posters advertising "May is Older Marylanders' Month" with pictures of senior citizens in various activities.
    Tube 16: Poster advertising the Cheaspeake Clean-Up Campaign, organized by the Maryland Office of Planning.
    Tube 17: Two posters advertising the 1990 Senior Citizen's Writing Contest, subject Maryland Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow, with picture of William Donald Schaefer as honorary chairman.
    Tube 18: Poster of William Donald Schaefer wearing a "Maryland, You are Beautiful T-shirt" to promote the program.
    Tube 19: Poster and calendar for 1990 with a sketch of Patterson Park Observatory, by the Kennedy Architectural et al. Firm.
    Tube 20: Color poster advertising the National Aquarium in Baltimore, Maryland, with a picture of William Donald Schaefer in an old-fashioned stripped bathing suit and rubber duck blow-up swim toy.
    Tube 21: Two color posters advertising the 1990 Maryland Senior Citizen's Writing Cintest, subject Maryland Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow, with a picture of William Donald Schaefer, honorary chairman.
    Tube 22: Color poster of the Maryland, You are Beautiful campaign and showing a painting with children holding balloons representing the counties in front of the Inner Harbor.
    Tube 23: Color poster advertising 1990, Maryland's Year of the Infant, with painting a various objects for babies.
    Tube 24: Two yellow posters advertising May is Older Marylanders' Month and showing pictures of senior citizens in various activities.
    Tube 25: Blue informational poster advertising the Maryland Basic Boating Safety course; poster for Sober Skipper, an anit-alcohol boating campaign.
    Tube 26: Color poster for Patuxent River Discovery Day, May 5, 1990; designed by Lee Brand, Spring Ridge Middle School, St. Mary's County.
    Tube 27: Blow-up of the Governor's Code of Fair Practices, Executive Order 01.01.1987.20, includes equal opportunity program.
    Tube 28: Two posters promoting Sober Skipper, showing a bottle and a boat with an anti sign over it; flyer for the Maryland Hunter Education Course.
    Tube 29: Official Maryland State poster 1988, showing figures from various professional and leisure sporting activities in Maryland. ,/ul> Items from the bottom of the box:
      1. Color movie poster for Suburban Commando, starring Hulk Hogan, Christopher Lloyd, and Shelley Duvall.
      2. Color poster showing the clipper ship the Seawitch, which went from New York to San Francisco to Canton, China, with picture of clipper ship.

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