MSA SC 4959-36-109
1865, 1891, 1920, 1930
Various formats
Cockey property (Cockeysville, Md.); plat of Joshua F. Cockey Estate (proposed Upper Loch Raven); Plat 1930 of property to be acquired by State Roads Commission; plat showing Beaver Dam Bridge-Cockeysville Grade Elimination property to be acquired from John T. Cockey; 1865 description of Joshua Cockey property deeded to North Central Railroad; documentation tracing various leases by Joshua Cockey to Sherwood Distilling Co., etc.; Last Will & Testament of Joshua F. Cockey 1891; 1920 Plat of properties at Cockeysville along York Road by owner
MSA SC 4959-36-341
1860, 1920, 1921
Various formats
Property of Asbury G. Chenoweth; plat of Belair Rd & Fitch Ave. 1921; 1920 Deed by Chenoweth to County Commissioners of Baltimore County recorded in Liber WPC 530, folio 38; tracing to 1860
MSA SC 4959-36-399
1874, 1877, 1923, 1942
Various formats
Survey 1923 of Louis F. Trempler property off Hamilton Ave.; plat of Roseland Heights; survey 1923 of property of John Koppelman; proposed plan of Roseland Heights property of Henry Peper; tracing to 1874; plat showing lots deeded to Louis Freund in 1874 & 1877; plat 1942 showing part of property of Howard & Marie Price; Survey of Charles Freund Property; plat of property of Arthur Kahler
MSA SC 4959-36-419
1864, 1888
Various formats
John Vanik, Jr. property off Belair Road & Necker Ave.; tracing to 1864; property recorded in Liber WPC 569, folio 91etc.; plat showing property of Joseph P. Necker 1888
MSA SC 4959-36-500
Various formats
John Schneider property - Taylor Avenue; property deeded 1905 by Eva Margaret Steinbacker to John Schneider containing 1 1/4 acre
MSA SC 4959-36-601
Various formats
Plat of Towson Manor recorded Liber WPC #5, folio 79
MSA SC 4959-36-674
Various formats
Frederick Prosser, et al. property recorded in Liber WPC 491, folio 471 etc.; plat of property of Philip Michling to be conveyed to Charles Zeller, Ridge Road east of Belair Rd.
MSA SC 4959-36-733
1874, 1893, 1904, 1924
Various formats
plat of Village of Ashland surveyed 1924; plat showing 117+acres deeded by Bertha M. Paulterer & spouse to Joshua Horner, et al. in 1893; tracing to 1874; plat of Ashland Road; plat showing property of J. Fred C. Talbott & wife deeded to Emanuel Herman & Hennie M. Horner 1904
MSA SC 4959-36-1381
Various formats
Plat of Carson's Addition (North Point Rd. & Carson Ave.)
MSA SC 4959-36-1487
Various formats
George W. Coles; plat of property near Seneca Creek showing Robert Howard's property; tracing to 1849 for property on the road leading from White House to Robert Galloway's Farm
MSA SC 4959-36-1642
Various formats
Luke P. McGuire property Ruxton Heights; Plan of Ruxton Heights
MSA SC 4959-36-1713
1922, 1923, 1924
Various formats
Thomas B. Todd Deed to Louis Weitschen - Millers Island Land Co.; plat surveyed 1922 along Chesapeake Bay; plat showing property deeded by Todd to James Stiffler 1923; plat showing property deeded by Todd to John T. O'Leary 1924
MSA SC 4959-36-1830
Various formats
Plat of resubdivision of Halethorpe 1926
MSA SC 4959-36-1850
1655, 1872
Various formats
Part of Fitch's Chance, Sophia's Garden Regulated - Belair Road; plat of land belonging to Estate of Robert S. Kirk 1872; tracing to 1655; plat showing property owned by William Howard Amoss & Charles Howard Amoss
MSA SC 4959-36-1888
Various formats
C: Deed 1896 by Martha Ellen Dorsey, Administrator to William Ruhe for tract called "Abrahams Reserve"; 1938 survey; tracing to 1846; Deed 1910 to Alfred Frankenfield for tract called "Blue Mountain Enlarged Resurveyed"; Deed 1919 Frankenfield to J. Pearce Cumming & wife; Deed 1884 by Executors under Will of David Carroll to Martha E. Keech conveying tracts called "Hick's Forest", Hick's Forest Resurveyed", "Blue Mountain Enlarged"; Low's Range", "Addition to Low's Range", "Laurel Hills", & "Johns Lot"; Deed 1874 by Abraham Hicks & wife to Daniel Alder for "Williams Folly" & part of "Hailes Forest" & "Hailes Forest" & "Hick's Forest"; plat surveyed 1938 of lot conveyed to J.E. Baker Company by Clarence L. Almony & Gifford H. Teeple along Big Falls Road; 1897 Deed William McComas to Charles Leight for tract called "Merryman's Enclosure Rectified"; 1914 Deed William Leckliter, et al. to John Mackert; Deed 1747 Nicholas Haile to Christopher Grindall recorded in Liber TBNo.E, folio 347 for tracts called "Hookers Farm" & part of "Gerar" containing 100 acres; "Hooker's Addition" containing 60 acres, "Haile Forest" containing 100 acres & "Taylor's Discovery" containing 50 acres; Deed 1833 Josiah Hicks to John Rowe recorded in Liber TK226, folio 237 for part of tract called "Hick's Forest Resurveyed" containing 8+acres