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Maryland Gazette

Collection Number MSA SC 2731 [OCLC 9259642]
LocationAnnapolis, Anne Arundel County, MD | View more titles from this: City, County, State
MSA Collection Dates1745-1813
Publication Dates1745-1813
Collection History
Digital images available at the Archives of Maryland Online for the years 1728-1839, here

(Annapolis, Anne Arundel County: Printed by Jonas Green and William Rind, 1758-1765; Printed by Jonas Green, 1765-1767; Printed by Anne C. Green, 1767; Printed by Anne C. and William Green, 1768-1770; Printed by Anne C. Green, 1770-1771; Printed by Anne C. Green and Son, 1772-1775; Printed by Frederick Green, 1776-1777; Printed by Frederick and Samuel Green, 1779-1811; Printed by Jonas Green, 1811-1813). The Maryland Gazette was published January 17, 1745 [no. 1] to October 14, 1762 [no. 910]; October 21, 1762 [28th year, no. 911] to January 21, 1813 [69th year, no. 3445]. It was published weekly.

It was published as the Maryland Gazette, January 17, 1745-October 3, 1765; the Maryland Gazette, Expiring, October 1-, 1765; the Maryland Gazette, Reviving, January 30, 1766; the Maryland Gazette, Revived, February 20, 1766; and the Maryland Gazette, March 6, 1766-after 1800.

Issue for April 26, 1745 also called no. 1.

Publication was suspended October 31, 1765 due to Stamp Act and resumed January 30, 1766.

The last numbered issue published prior to suspension was October 10, 1765 [no. 1066] followed by three unnumbered supplements (October 17, 24, 31), and a special issue on December 10 entitled "Apparition of the late Maryland Gazette, which is not dead, but only sleepeth."

No issues were published February 6-14, 27, 1766.

Publication was suspended again December 25, 1777-April 30, 1779.

The newspaper was continued by the Maryland Gazette and Political Intelligencer (Annapolis: 1813).

Archives' collection includes issues for June 19, 1760 (MSA SC 776), 1763-1775 (MSA SC 2731), 1766-1768 (MSA SC 2731), January 5, 1769-December 26, 1771 (MSA SC 2731), 1774-1775 (MSA SC 2731), July 11, 1776 (MSA SC 812), September 5, 1776 (MSA SC 1533), January 2, 1777-September 10, 1779 (MSA SC 2731), February 11, 1780 (MSA SC 176-530), September 17, 1779-March 7, 1782 (MSA SC 2731), October 21, 1784 (MSA SC 176-532), September 27, 1787 (MSA SC 473-225), December 24, 1789 (MSA SC 473-226), February 23, 1792 (MSA SC 176-536), October 10, 1793 (MSA SC 176-539), October 17, 1793 (MSA SC 176-540), October 24, 1793 (MSA SC 176-541), May 22, 1794 (MSA SC 176-543), June 19, 1794 (MSA SC 176-544), June 26, 1794 (MSA SC 176-545), January 2, 1800 [LVth year, no. 2764] (MSA SC 612), November 15, 1809 (MSA SC 378-39), and April 4, 1810 (MSA SC 378-40).

Archives' collection includes original of the Samuel Chase broadside relating to the Stamp Act found in the back of volume of the Maryland Gazette, January 30, 1776 - June 25, 1767 (MSA SC 2311). Graphics of this broadside are found in MSA SC 1851-9.

Archives' collection includes Daniel Dulany's "Antilon" letters and Charles Carroll's "First Citizen" replies published in the Maryland Gazette January-July 1773. See: Peter S. Onuf, ed., Maryland and the Empire, 1773; the Antilon-First Citizen Letters (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, [1974]).

For abstracts, see: Robert W. Barnes, Gleanings from Maryland Newspapers 1776-1785 (Lutherville, MD: Bettie Carothers, 1975); Robert W. Barnes, Gleanings from Maryland Newspapers 1786-1790 (Silver Spring, MD: Family Line Publications, 1975); Robert Barnes, Gleanings from Maryland Newspapers 1791-1795 (Lutherville, MD: Bettie Carothers, 1976); Robert Barnes, Marriages and Deaths from the Maryland Gazette, 1727-1839 (Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., 1979); Karen Mauer Green, Maryland Gazette Genealogical and Historical Abstracts 1727-1761 (Galveston, TX: The Frontier Press, 1989); Effie L. Henry, comp., Extracts from the Maryland Gazette [1730-1790] [Washington?, DC: 1936?] [LC call no.: F180 .H47].

For index, see S1456 MARYLAND INDEXES (Maryland Gazette, Annapolis Items, Index) 1745-1820

For images of this newspaper, click here.

Related Titles
Maryland Gazette and Political Intelligencer
Maryland Gazette, Expiring
Maryland Gazette, Revived
Maryland Gazette, Reviving
Maryland Gazette

MediumOriginal, photostat, microfilm, electronic images from film and originals
RestrictionsRESTRICTED: Do not circulate originals without the permission of the Registrar
Film No.SCM 1 - SCM 18, SCM 1278 - SCM 1286, SCM 11080
StorageContact the Department of Special Collections for location.
InventoriesMicrofilm Inventory   Collection Inventory   
Institutions Holding This Title
Please contact the holding institution. This information may have changed.
Anne Arundel Community College (AAL) 1745-1813
AALM FM (1745:1:17, 4:26-12:31) (1746:1:7-7:15, 8:5-12:23) (1747:1:6-1756:12:30) (1757:1:6-13, 1:27-12:29) (1758:1:5-9:28, 10:12-12:28) (1759:1:4-1765:10:31) (1766:1:30-1813:1:21)

Central Washington Unversity (CWU) 1745-1813
CWUA FM s=(1745:1:17-1813:1:21)

Library of Congress (DLC) 1745-1813
DLCC FM Newspaper (Ser.); Newspaper 84/1181; [CtY, s=(1745:1:17-1760:5:29) NRE, s=(1760:6:1-1764:8:31) CtY, s=(1764:9:27-1765:12:10) NRE, s=(1766:1:30-1777:12:24) (1779:4:30-1789:10:15) Cty, s=(1789:10:22-1813:1:21)]

University of Delaware Library (DLM) 1745-1813
DLN1 FM Microfilm S15 s=(1745:1:17-1765:10:31) (1766:1:30, 2:20) (1766:3:6-1777:12:25) (1779:4:30-1813:1:21)

Duquesne University Library (DUQ) 1745-1765, 1766-1803
DUQQ FM s=(1745:1:17, 4:26, 5:3-1765:10:31) (1766:1:30-1777:12:25) (1779:4:30-1803:10:13)

Historical Society of Delaware (HTS) 1745, 1810
HTSA OR (1810:9:5)
HTSA RP (1745:1:17)

Indiana University Library (IUL) '>(Texas Tech University Library (IUL) ) 1745-1813
IUNZ FM Microfilm AN2. M39 s=(1745-1813)

University of Texas at Austin Library (IXA) 1745-1813
IXAA FM s=(1745:1:17-1813:1:21)

Johns Hopkins University (JHE) 1745-1813
JHEE FM (1745:1:17, 4:26-12:31) (1746:1:7-7:15, 8:15-12:23) (1747:1:6-1756:12:30) (1757:1:6-13, 1:27-12:29) (1758:1:5-9:28, 10:12-12:28) (1759:1:4-1765:10:31) (1766:1:30-1813:1:21)
JHEE OR (1755:8:7) (1777:10:30) [Evergreen House.]

Lycoming College Library (LYC) 1745-1813
LYCA FM s=(1745:1:17-1813:1:21)

LYU 1745-1813
LYUM FM s=(1745:1:17, 4:26, 5:3-1813:1:21) [Scattered issues wanting.]

Enoch Pratt Free Library (MDB) 1745-1813
MDBE FM (1745:1:17, 4:26-12:31) (1746:1:7-7:15, 8:5-12:23) (1747:1:6-1756:12:30) (1757:1:6-13,1:27-12:29) (1758:1:5-9:28, 10:12-12:28) (1759:1:4-1765:10:31) (1766:1:30-1813:1:21)
MDBE OR (1765:7:18) (1776:7:11) (1793:11:28) (1795:11:?)

Mississippi State University Library (MFM) 1745-1813
MFMP FM s=(1745:1:17-1813:1:21) [Scattered issues wanting.]

Frostburg State University (MFS) 1745-1813
MFSB AN4899.A55 M3 1745-1813
MFSS FM (1745:1:17, 4:26-12:31) (1746:1:7-7:15, 8:5-12:23) (1747:1:6-1756:12:30) (1757:1:6-13,1:27-12:29) (1758:1:5-9:28, 10:12-12:28) (1759:1:4-1765:10:31) (1766:1:30-1813:1:21)

Maryland State Law Library (MSI) 1745-1813
MSIM FM s=(1745:1:17, 4:26-12:31) (1746:1:7-7:15, 8:5-12:23) (1747:1:6-1756:12:30) (1757:1:6-13, 1:27-12:29) (1758:1:5-9:28, 10:12-12:28) (1759:1:4-1765:10:31) (1766:1:30-1813:1:21)
MSIM OR (1745:1:17-1763:10:13) (1767:7:2-1813:1:21)

Morgan State College (MSU) 1745-1813
MSUL FM (1745:1:17, 4:26-12:31) (1746:1:7-7:15, 8:5-12:23) (1747:1:6-1756:12:30) (1757:1:6-13, 1:27-12:29) (1758:1:5-9:28, 10:12-12:28) (1759:1:4-1765:10:31) (1766:1:30-1813:1:21)

University of Maryland Baltimore County (MUB) 1745-1813
MUBB FM (1745:1:17, 4:26-12:31) (1746:1:7-7:15, 8:5-12:23) (1747:1:6-1756:12:30) (1757:1:6-13, 1:27-12:29) (1758:1:5-9:28, 10:12-12:28) (1759:1:4-1765:10:31) (1766:1:30-1813:1:21)

Trenton State College Library (NJT) 1745-1813
NJTM DM [(Microfilm=1745-1813, 0,5])

State Historical Society of Wisconsin - Newspaper Project (NPV) 1787
NPVA OR (1787:3:29) American Antiquarian Society - Newspaper Project (NPX) 1745-1813
NPXX FM ([CtY,s=(1745-1813)])
NPXX OR (1748) (1752) (1754-1758) (1762) (1764-1767) (1770) (1773-1776) (1781-1783) (1785-1795) (1798) (1806-1807) (1810) (1812) [Scattered issues wanting, 1786-1787, 1789-1792; scattered issues, 1748, 1752, 1754-1758, 1762, 1764-1767, 1770, 1773, 1776, 1781-1783, 1785, 1788, 1793-1795, 1798, 1806-1807, 1810, 1812.]

Western Reserve Historical Society - Newspaper Project (NPY) 1784
NPYN OR (1784:11:4-25)

New York Public Library Research Library (NYP) 1809-1811
NYPP FM *Z-3527 s=(1809:5:24) (1810:2:14, 3:28, 9:19, 11:21) (1811:2:6, 3:27, 4:17)
NYPP OR *KSC (1809:5:24) (1810:2:14, 3:28, 9:19, 11:21) (1811:2:6, 3:27, 4:17)
NYPP FMM *ZZ-24,002 m=(1809:5:24) (1810:2:14, 3:28, 9:19, 11:21) (1811:2:6, 3:27, 4:17)

Pennsylvania Historical & Museum Commission (PMH) 1745-1813
PMHC FM Roll #3358-3367 s=(1745:1:17-1813:1:21) [Scattered issues wanting.]

Princeton University Library (PUL) 1745-1813
PULL FM Film 0921.477 s=(1745:1:17-1813:1:21)

Historical Society of Pennsylvania Library (QQR) 1745-1813
QQRA FM XN 29:1-20 s=(1745:1:17-1813:1:21) [Scattered issues missing.]
QQRA OR (1777:2:13) (1787:1:4, 10:25) [4th floor Manuscript Vault.]

University of Rochester Library (RRR) 1745-1813
RRR2 FM s=(1745:1:17-1813:1:21)

Salisbury State University (SSC) 1745-1813
SSCM FM (1745:1:17, 4:26-12:31) (1746:1:7-7:15, 8:5-12:23) (1747:1:6-1756:12:30) (1757:1:6-13, 1:27-12:29) (1758:1:5-9:28, 10:12-12:28) (1759:1:4-1765:10:31) (1766:1:30-1813:1:21)

Midwestern State University Library (TMI) 1745-1813
TMIA FM s=(1745:1:17-1813:1:21)

Towson State University (TSC) 1745-1813
TSCC FM (1745:1:17, 4:26-12:31) (1746:1:7-7:15, 8:5-12:23) (1747:1:6-1756:12:30) (1757:1:6-13, 1:27-12:29) (1758:1:15-9:28, 10:12-12:28) (1759:1:14-1765:10:31) (1766:1:30-1813:1:21)

Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (TSW) 1745-1813
TSWB FM s=(1745:1:17-1813:1:21)

University of Houston Library (TXH) 1745-1765, 1766-1839
TXHI MIC FIL S190 (1745-1765) (1766-1839)

Southwest Texas State University Learning Resources Center (TXI) 1745-1813
TXIM AN1.M3 M37mg ([Microfilm=1-69 1745-1813 0,5)])

Brigham Young University Library (UBY) 1745-1754, 1765-1789, 1796-1839
UBZA FM Film M36 s=(1745-1754) (1765-1789) (1796-1839) [Scattered issues wanting.]
UBZA FM Film M36 s=(1745-1754) (1765-1789) (1796-1839) [Scattered issues wanting.]

University of Maryland Libraries (UMC) 1745-1813
UMCP FM s=(1745:1:17, 4:26-12:31) (1746:1:7-7:15, 8:5-12:23) (1747:1:6-1756:12:30) (1757:1:6-13, 1:27-12:29) (1758:1:5-9:28, 10:12-12:28) (1759:1:4-1765:10:31) (1766:1:30-1813:1:21)

University of Maryland Eastern Shore (UME) 1745-1813
UMEA FM (1745:1:17, 4:26-12:31) (1746:1:7-7:15, 8:5-12:23) (1747:1:6-1756:12:30) (1757:1:6-13, 1:27-12:29) (1758:1:5-9:28, 10:12-12:28) (1759:1:4-1765:10:31) (1766:1:30-1813:1:21)

United States Naval Academy (UNA) 1745-1813
UNAA FM s=(1745:1:17, 4:26-12:31) (1746:1:7-7:15, 8:5-12:23) (1747:1:6-1756:12:30) (1757:1:6-13, 1:27-12:29) (1758:1:5-9:28, 10:12-12:28) (1759:1:4-1765:10:31) (1766:1:30-1813:1:21)

Maryland Historical Society (XKE) 1745-1777, 1779-1813
XKEA FM s=(1745:1:17, 4:26-12:31) (1746:1:7-1765:10:10) (1766:1:30-1777:12:25) (1779:5:7-1813:1:21)
XKEA OR (1756:1:1-1757:12:29) (1762:1:7-1763:12:29) (1773:1:7-1777:12:18) (1785:1:6-12:22) (1786:4:6-11:23) (1787:1:4-1797:12:21) (1799:5:16) (1800:9:4, 12:4) (1809:4:19-1811:6:12, 9:4) (1812:7:9, 8:20)

Maryland State Archives (XKF) 1745-1813
XKFA FM (1745:1:17, 4:26-12:31) (1746:1:7-7:15, 8:5-12:23) (1747:1:6-1756:12:30) (1757:1:6-13, 1:27-12:29) (1758:1:15-9:28, 10:12-12:28) (1759:1:14-1765:10:31) (1766:1:30-1813:1:21)
XKFA OR (1776:7:11) (1800:1:2) (1809:11:15) (1810:4:18)
XKFA FMM (1745:1:17-1765:12:31) (1766:1:30-1813:1:21)

Washington County (XKI) 1784
XKIB OR (1784:10:7) [Washington County Historical Society.]

Frederick County (XKJ) 1745-1813
XKJC FM (1745:1:17, 4:26-12:31) (1746:1:7-7:15, 8:5-12:23) (1747:1:6-1756:12:30) (1757:1:6-13, 1:27-12:29) (1758:1:5-9:28, 10:12-12:28) (1759:1:4-1765:10:31) (1766:1:30-1813:1:21)

Carroll County (XKM) 1758-1761
XKMB OR (1758:2:9, 3:23-12:28) (1759:1:4-1761:11:26) [Carroll County Historical Society.]

Prince George's County (XKS) 1745-1813
XKSC FM s=(1745:1:17, 4:26-12:31) (1746:1:7-7:15, 8:5-12:23) (1747:1:6-1756:12:30) (1757:1:6-13, 1:27-12:29) (1758:1:5-9:28, 10:12-12:28) (1759:1:4-1765:10:31) (1766:1:30-1813:1:21) [Prince George's County Memorial Library - Hyattsville.]

Anne Arundel County (XKT) 1745-1813
XKTB FM (1745:1:17, 4:26-12:31) (1746:1:7-7:15, 8:5-12:23) (1747:1:6-1756:12:30) (1757:1:6-13, 1:27-12:29) (1758:1:5-9:28, 10:12-12:28) (1759:1:4-1765:10:31) (1766:1:30-1813:1:21) [Anne Arundel County Library.]

Queen Anne's County (XLA) 1772-1796
XLAD FM (1772:11:26-1796:7:7) [Chesapeake College.]

Talbot County (XLD) 1745-1813
XLDC FM (1745:1:17, 4:26-12:31) (1746:1:7-7:15, 8:5-12:23) (1747:1:6-1756:12:30) (1757:1:6-13, 1:27-12:29) (1758:1:15-9:28, 10:12-12:28) (1759:1:14-1765:10:31) (1766:1:30-1813:1:21) [Talbot County Free Library.]

Montgomery County Public Libraries (XLJ) 1745-1772
XLJA FM (1745:1:17, 4:26-12:31) (1746:1:7-7:15, 8:5-12:23) (1747:1:6-1756:12:30) (1757:1:6-13, 1:27-12:29) (1758:1:5-9:28, 10:12-12:28) (1759:1:4-1765:10:31) (1766:1:30-1772:11:26) [Rockville Branch.]

SUNY College at Geneseo Library (YGM) 1745-1777, 1779-1813
YGMP FM s=(1745:1:17, 4:26, 5:3-1746:7:15) (1746:8:5-10:28, 11:11-12:31) (1747:1:6-1777:12:25) (1779:4:30-1815:1:21)

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