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Inventory for MSA SC 5339-111

MSA SC 5339-111 contains 30 unit(s). Showing results 1 to 15.

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MSA SC 5339-111-1
StorageContact the Department of Special Collections for location.
June 1867, Visit of President Andrew Johnson to Annapolis and to Government House

Text includes speeches of Johnson and Governor Swann and a description of the banquet held in Government House from Debates of the Maryland Constitutional Convention of 1867 compiled by Philip B. Perlman of the Baltimore Bar (Hepbron & Haydon, Publishers: Twentieth Century Press, Baltimore) (As reprinted from articles reported in The Baltimore Sun)

"The Admiral, accompanied by such of his staff not absent on the summer practice cruise of the cadets, met the visitors at the main entrance, and escorted them to the Governor's Mansion, now by the extension of the Academy grounds, within the enclosure of the institution. Here they were refreshed, . . . [Tour of the Naval Academy with Admiral Porter]. . . The guests finally returned to the Governor's Mansion, where they were received by the general officers of the State militia, all in new and glittering uniforms, General Berry doing the honors on the occasion. The President retired for rest, and at 3:30 p.m. again appeared in the parlors, apparently much refreshed, ready to accompany the members of the Constitutional Convention and other invited guests to the Governor's Banquet. This took place in two large and communicating dining-rooms in the second story, and was decidedly a grand affair. The tables literally groaned under the weight of flesh, fish and fowl, and without much ceremony a most vigorous attack was made by the company. Governor Swann sat at the head of the table, with the President on his right, and the Secretary of State on the left, whilst on either side was John W. Garrett, Esq., John M. Carter, Esq., the officers of the State Militia, members of the Convention, and others. The dinner was regarded as one of the most brilliant affairs of the kind that has taken place in Annapolis for many years. After the removal of the cloth toasts were drunk to the President, the Governor, and others, all of which were briefly but felicitously responded to. When about drinking to the health of Mr. Seward it was found that he had quietly slipped off, and on making inquiry it was ascertained that feeling so much invigorated by the morning's trip on the Chesapeake he had made arrangements with Admiral Porter to take his steamer and proceed to Washington by way of the Potomac, and he had actually embarked almost before he was missed from the table."

Text from If These Walls Could Speak draft:
In view of this sale and the temporary nature of the state's use of the house, the extent of the repairs and purchases undertaken during the Swann administration seem curious. Before its demise as the center of Maryland's political and social life, however, Government House was to be the setting of one more glittering event, its last as host to the President of the United States. With all of the repairs and refurbishing that had taken place in the preceding years and especially in the past 18 months, the house must have been at its most glorious for the visit of President Andrew Johnson to Annapolis on June 29, 1867. The two-day visit to Maryland began with an overnight stay in Baltimore and then a morning trip aboard the steamer Samuel J. Pentz down the Chesapeake Bay to Annapolis, accompanied by many dignitaries, including Governor Swann.

On arrival in Annapolis, the Presidential procession of carriages made its way through throngs of people to the State House where the Constitutional Convention was meeting. President Johnson addressed the Convention which had extended the invitation for him to come to Annapolis. In a rather emotional address, the President talked about the ill will that still clouded the "bleeding" nation and his hope and belief that the nation would soon be united in spirit as well as in fact. He paid tribute to Maryland's important role in the Revolution and to the memory of George Washington's resignation in the Senate Chamber when he "lifted the crown of power from his head and laid it at the feet of the people." Following the speeches, the President was taken to the Senate Chamber to see where the momentous event took place and to look at the historical portraits on display there.

After leaving the State House, the President went to Government House which was now owned by the U.S. Navy, but still occupied by the governor. The evening was marked by a banquet in honor of the President which was described as "one of the most brilliant affairs of the kind that had taken place in Annapolis for many years." According to the account in the Baltimore Sun on July 1, 1867, the "tables literally groaned under the weight of flesh, fish and fowl and without much ceremony a most vigorous attack was made by the company." Following the banquet, the President left forWashington by train from Annapolis Junction, and those left behind in Annapolis, including the Governor, looked ahead to the monumental task of planning of a new Government House.

MSA SC 5339-111-2
StorageContact the Department of Special Collections for location.
September, 1938 FDR visit to Annapolis and Government House

THEME: One of the strongest Democratic Presidents coming to solicit the help of the Republican Governor of Maryland

"Roosevelt Dines with Nice," The Afro American, September 19, 1938

"President Was Greeted Here Enroute Home from Denton," The Evening Capital, September 6, 1938

Text from If These Walls Could Speak draft:
A highlight of the Nice administration was certainly the visit of President Franklin D. Roosevelt to Government House on September 5, 1938. At the request of Annapolis mayor Louis N. Phipps, the president stopped in Annapolis for a brief visit on his home from a political trip to the Eastern Shore. The president spent the day touring the Eastern Shore, including Salisbury and Denton, where he had gone to support the candidacy of Congressman David J. Lewis for the U.S. Senate against incumbent Millard E.Tydings. While in Maryland, Roosevelt criticized Tydings sharply as a "betrayer" of the administration for his opposition to some of the president's New Deal legislation. Press accounts vary as to whether the President stayed for only a brief visit of one hour or if he stayed for several hours and a meal. Roosevelt began his visit to the city with a stop at the War Memorial on St. John's College campus where he made a short speech to the crowd of 1,000 who had gathered to see him. The president drew an analogy between the colonial buildings in Annapolis and the government, saying that the buildings were only useful because they had been modernized and that "We have the same form of government we have always had, but it needs to be constantly modernized." In order to accommodate the President who was in a wheelchair, a special ramp was built. Such handicapped access was not made permanent until the administration of William Donald Schaefer. After Roosevelt and his party were greeted by Governor and Mrs. Nice, the president and Nice retired to a private meeting which was reported to have been very friendly, with the two men calling each other "Harry" and "Frank." Roosevelt was accompanied on his visit to Annpolis by his friends Postmater General James A. Farley and Curley Byrd, president of the University of Maryland. (The Captial 9/6/38 and the Afro American 9/10/38).

Within months of this prestigious visit by the popular president of the United States, Governor Nice had been defeated in his bid for re-election and Governor Herbert O'Conor took office on January 11, 1939 for what would be two terms in office.

MSA SC 5339-111-3
StorageContact the Department of Special Collections for location.
Visit of Mark Twain to Annapolis and Government House in May 1907

THEME: Tenacious women concerned about making the house a center for culture and interest

(note the original scans from 1999 linked to the descriptions below are very dark in some imaging programs, but oddly look lighter in paperport. EOS hasn't had time to sort out why yet. I have rescanned reference copies and am linking the whole stack as a max file from ADD NOTES.)
Twain/Warfield Correspondence - stacked max reference copy

Invitation to Mr. Clemens from Warfields to dinner, May 9, 1907, MSA SC 4494-1-32

Letter of March 4, 1907 from Mrs. Warfield to Mr. Clemens, MSA SC 4494-1-33 through 35

Letter of March 13, 1907 from Mrs. Warfield to Mr. Clemens, MSA SC 4494-1-36 and 37

Letter of March 14, 1907 from Governor Warfield to Mr. Clemens, MSA SC 4494-1-38

Letter of March 27, 1907 from Mrs. Warfield to Mr. Clemens, MSA SC 4494-1-39 and 40

Undated letter from Mrs. Warfield to Mr. Clemens, MSA SC 4494-1-41 and 42

Letter of April 4, 1907 from Governor Warfield to Miss Lyon[s] (Mr. Clemens' assistant), MSA SC 4494-43 through 46

Letter of May 3, 1907 from Governor Warfield's secretary to Miss Lyon, MSA SC 4494-1-47

Letter of November 2, 1907 from Mrs. Warfield to Miss Lyon, MSA SC 4494-1-48 through 50

Letter of November 21, 1907 from Mrs. Warfield to Mr. Clemens, MSA SC 4494-51 through 53

Handwritten note (undated) from Mr. Clemens to Governor and Mrs. Warfield, MSA SC 4494-1-54

Transcription of handwritten note (undated) from Mr. Clemens to Governor and Mrs. Warfield, MSA SC 4494-1-55

Mark Twain's Speech, Annapolis, May 10, 1907 from Mark Twain Speaking by Paul Fatout

Yes, I have been arrested. I was arrested twice, so that there could be no doubt about it. I have lived many years in the sight of my country an apparently uncaught and blameless life, a model for the young, an inspiring example for the hoary-headed. But at last the law has laid its hand upon me. Mine was no ordinary offense. When I affront the law I choose to do so in no obscure, insignificant, trivial manner. Mine was a crime against nothing less than the federal government. The officers who arrested me were no common, or garden, policemen; they were clothed with the authority of the federal Constitution. I was charged with smoking a cigar within a government reservation. In fact, I was caught red-handed. I came near setting a stone pile on fire. It is true that the arrest was not made effective. One of the party whispered to the marines what Governor Warfield was going to say, and did say, in introducing me to the audience at my lecture- that I was one of the greatest men in the world. I don't know who proposed to tell that to the marines, but it worked like a charm. The minions of the law faltered, hesitated, qualied, and today I am a free man. Twice they laid hands on me; twice were overcome by my deserved reputation. Perhaps I ought not to say myself that it is deserved. But who am I, to contradict the governor of Maryland? Worm that I am, by what right should I reverse the declared opinion of that man of wisdom and judgment, whom I have learned to admire and trust? I never admired him more than I did when he told my audience that they had with him the greatest man in the world. I believe that was his expression. I don't wish to undertake his sentiments, but I will go no further than that- at present. Why, it fairly warmed my heart. It almost made me glad to be there myself. I like good company.

Speaking of greatness it is curious how many grounds there are for great reputations- how many different phases, that is to say, greatness may take on. There was Bishop Potter. He was arrested a few months ago for a crime similar to mine, though he lacked the imagination to select United States government property as the scene of his guilty deed. Now, Bishop Potter is a great man. I am sure he is, because a streetcar motorman told me so. A motorman is not a governor of Maryland, but then Bishop Potter is not a hunorist. He could hardly expect a certificate like mine. I rode with the motorman one day on the front seat of his car. There was a blockade before we got very far, and the motorman, having nothing to do, became talkative. "Oh, yes," he said, "I have a good many distinguished men on this trip. Bishop Potter often rides with me. He likes the front seat. Now there's a great man for you- Bishop Potter."

"Yes," broke in the motorman, his face beaming with pleasure as he recognized the justice of my tribute and hastened to add one of his own. "Yes, and he's the only man who rides with me who can spit in the slot every time."

That's a good story, isn't it? I like a good story well told. That is the reason I am sometimes forced to tell them myself. Here is one, of which I was reminded yesterday as I was investigating the Naval Academy. I was much impressed with the Naval Academy. I was all over it, and now it is all over me. I am full of the navy. I wanted to march with them on parole, but they didn't think to ask me: curious inattention on their part, and I just ashore after a celebrated cruise. While I was observing the navy on land, I thought of the navy at sea and of this story, so pathetic, so sweet, so really touching. This is one of my pet stories. Something in its delicacy, refinement, and the elusiveness of its humor fits my own quiet tastes. The time is two A.M. after a lively night at the club. The scene is in front of his house. The house is swaying and lurching to and fro. He has succeeded in navigating from the club, but how is he going to get aboard this rolling, tossing thing? He watches the steps go back and forth, up and down. Then he makes a desperate resolve, braces himself, and as the steps comem around he jumps, clutches the handrail, gets aboard, and pulls himself safely up on the piazza. With a like maneuver he gets through the door. Watching his chance, he gains the lowest step of the inside staircase, and painfully makes his way up the swaying and uncertain structure. He has almost reached the top when in a sudden lurch he catches his toe and falls back, rolling to the bottom. At this moment his wife, rushing out into the upper hall, hears coming up from the darkness below, from the discomfited figure sprawled on the floor with his arms around the newel post, this fervent, appropriate, and pious ejaculation, "God help the poor sailors out at sea."

I trust this matter of my arrest will not cause my friends to turn from me. It is true that, no matter what may be said of American public morals, the private morals of Americans as a whole are exceptionally good. I do not mean to say that in their private lives all Americans are faultless. I hardly like to go that far, being a man of carefully weighed words and under a peculiarly vivid sense of the necessity of moderation in statement. I should like to say that we are a faultless people, but I am restrained by recollection. I know several persons who have erred and transgressed- to put it plainly, they have done wrong. I have heard of still others- of a number of persons, in fact, who are not perfect. I am not perfect myself. I confess it. I would have confessed it before the lamentable event of yesterday. For that was not the first time I ever did wrong. No; I have done several things which fill my soul now with regret and contrition. I remember, I remember it so well. I remember it as if it were yesterday, the first time I ever stole a watermelon. Yes, the first time. At least I think it was the first time, or along about there. It was, it was, must have been, about 1848, when I was thirteen or fourteen years old. I remember that watermelon well. I can almost taste it now.

Yes, I stole it. Yet why use such a harsh word? It was the biggest of the load on a farmer's wagon standing in the gutter in the old town of Hannibal, Missouri. While the farmer was so busy with another- another- customer, I withdrew this melon. Yes, "I stole" is too strong. I extracted it. I retired it from circulation. And I myself retired with it.

The place to which the watermelon and I retired was a lumber yard. I knew a nice, quiet alley between the sweet-smelling planks and to that sequestered spot I carried the melon. Indulging in a few moments' contemplation of its freckled rind, I broke it open with a stone, a rock, a dornick, in boy's language.

It was green- impossibly, hopelessly green. I do not know why this circumstance should have affected me, but it did. It affected me deeply. It altered for me the moral values of the universe. It wrought in me a moral revolution. I began to reflect. Now, reflection is the beginning of reform. There can be no reform without reflection.

I asked myself what course of conduct I should pursue. What would conscience dictate? What should a high-minded young man do after retiring a green watermelon? What would George Washington do? Now was the time for all the lessons inculcated at Sunday school to act.

And they did act. The word that came to me was "restitution". Obviously, there lay the path of duty. I reasoned with myself. I labored. At last I was fully resolved. "I'll do it," said I. "I'll take him back his old melon." Not many boys would have been heroic, would so clearly seen the right and so sternly resolved to do it. The moment I reached that resolution I felt a strange uplift. One always feels a strange uplift when he turns from wrong to righteousness. I arose, spiritually strengthened, renewed and refreshed, and in the strength of that refreshment carried back the watermelon- that is, I carried back what was left of it- and made him give me a ripe one.

But I had a duty toward that farmer, as well as to myself. I was a sever on him as the circumstances deserved. I did not spare him. I told him he ought to be ashamed of giving his- his customers green melons. And he was ashamed. He said he was. He said he felt as badly about it as I did. In this he was mistaken. He hadn't eaten any of the melon. I told him that the one instance was bad enough, but asked him to consider what would become of him if this should become a habit with him. I pictured his future. And I saved him. He thanked me and promised to do better.

We should always labor thus with those who have taken the wrong road. Very likely this was the farmer's first false step. He had not gone far, but he had put his foot on the downward incline. Happily, a this moment a friend appeared- a friend who stretched out a helping hand and held him back. Other mught have hesitated, have shrunk from speaking to him of his error. I did not hesitate not shrink. And it is one of the gratifications of my life that I can look back on what I did for that man in his hour of need.

The blessing came. He went home with a bright face to his rejoicing wife and I- I got a ripe melon. I trust it was with him as it was with me. Reform with me was no transient emotion, no passing episode, no Philadelphia uprising. It was permanent. Since that day I have never stolen a water- never stolen a green watermelon.

Text from If These Walls Could Speak draft:
An extremely important event for which Mrs. Warfield was directly responsible was the visit of the author Samuel Clemens, or Mark Twain, to Annapolis in May 1907. On March 4, Mrs. Warfield wrote a heartfelt plea to Mr. Clemens: "For the reason that I am to you a perfect stranger and am about to ask of you a great favor I am writing with much embarrassment and hesitancy.

"I asked Dr. Van Dyke who recently visited me in Annapolis if he thought it would be very presuming on my part if I asked you to visit us and to give in the spacious drawing room of the Government House a reading or talk (gratis) for the benefit of our struggling Presbyterian Church in which he - Dr. Van Dyke - preached two weeks ago. That Dr. Van Dyke encouraged me to do so, is why I have come to you direct. This request of mine is a great big one I know Dr. Mr. Clemens, but it lies very close to my heart and I do hope you may see your way clear to grant it. The Governor and I have long wished to know you - and it would indeed be a great pleasure to have you come to this quaint, old historical town, doubly interesting because of the Naval Academy in its midst. We would be most happy to have you bring with you any of your family and would consider you our guests from the time you left your home. Our please would be to have you remain over two evenings and give in your honor a dinner to which we would have ??? congenial people meet you. Annapolis is most attractive in the Spring. The time we would leave to your pleasure and convenience. Hoping we may the the great pleasure of entertaining you and with kind regards from the Governor, believe me Cordially, Emma N. Warfield."

To both the governor's and Mrs. Warfield's great delight, Mr. Clemens accepted her invitation to visit Annapolis and also entertained them at dinner during a visit to New York in late March. The visit to Annapolis took place in early May and it was Mrs. Warfield who took charge of the plans for the visit. On the evening of May 9, the author spoke to an overflow crowd in the House of Delegates Chamber and, according to press accounts, "made the large audience laugh until tears ran down some cheeks." (Capital 5/11/07). The sale of tickets to the talk raised some $600 for the first lady's cause, the First Presbyterian Church of Annapolis. A gala dinner was held the following evening at Government House, and Mr. Clemens made some very amusing after dinner remarks, including recounting his near-arrest for smoking during his day spent touring the Naval Academy. The following day, he was to have joined the Warfields and others for a cruise on the Bay on the state steamer Governor Thomas, but he was called suddenly to New York and had to leave on the morning train. This event was the undoubted highlight of the Warfield administration and a triumph for Maryland's first lady.

"Mark Twain Here," Evening Capital, May 9, 1907

"Mark Twain Here," no citation available

"Mark Twain Entertains," Evening Capital, May 11, 1907

"A Charming Evening at the House of Delegates," Baltimore Sun, May 11, 1907

MSA SC 5339-111-4
StorageContact the Department of Special Collections for location.
Letter of Thomas Simm Lee to Lafayette

THEME: Outreach of early administrations to foreign dignitaries

MSA SC 986 Outerbridge Horsey Collection
A Sidelight on History Being the Letters of James McHenry, Aide-de-Camp of the Marquis de Lafayette to Thomas Sim Lee Governor of Maryland Written During the Yorktown Campaign, 1781. Privately printed, 1931.

Lafayette's visit to Annapolis in November 1784

Lafayette's visit to Annapolis in December 1824

Text from If These Wall Could Speak draft re: 1784 visit:
One of the most notable visits of Paca's governorship occurred in 1784, when George Washington visited Annapolis in the company of General Lafayette prior to the General's departure for France. Over the course of their visit, Washington and Lafayette were entertained at Government House, where it is certain that Paca did not fail to dispense his well-known hospitality. One must think that Annapolis provided suitable farewell entertainment for Lafayette, for the merriment of the city was not missed by many, including legislators who traveled to the state capital. One congressman writing home in 1784 commented, "Our Adjournment to Annapolis has had a good Effect: the Object of the Inhabitants here is altogether pleasure; Business is no part of their System." [Elbridge Gerry to Stephen Higginson, March 4, 1784, Edmund C. Burnett, Ed., 'Letters of Members of the Continental Congress Vol. VII, p.461]

Another Passage re: 1824 visit:
Illustrative of the importance of Annapolis in the post Revolutionary period was the visit of the Marquis de LaFayette. In December of 1824, Annapolis was privileged to host the Marquis, one of the most honored and revered figures of the Revolutionary War. Accompanied by his son, George Washington LaFayette, the Marquis stayed in the city for four days overflowing with elaborate celebrations and entertainments. Governor Samuel Sprigg welcomed LaFayette's party at the Anne Arundel/Prince George's County border, assisted by a welcoming committee that included former Maryland Chief Justice Jeremiah Townley Chase. The Marquis and his son were escorted to the State House and the (Old) Senate Chamber, where Annapolitans effusively expressed their gratitude to LaFayette on behalf of all Americans. [Insert portrait of W, L, & T here--he might have seen it on this occasion? In OSC?] For the duration of the four day visit, LaFayette and his party were lodged at Government House as guests of Governor Sprigg. Government House most certainly presented a suitable resting spot for the distinguished guest, and it is likely that the Marquis stayed in one of the better rooms on the second floor. [check floor plan--perhaps third??] In addition to his reception at Government House, many entertainments, including several banquets and a ball, were held for LaFayette in McDowell Hall on the campus of St. John's College. McDowell Hall (insert relation to Bladen's Folly?) was the only venue in Annapolis at the time which was large enough to accommodate the number of citizens who wished to pay tribute to such an illustrious visitor.

MSA SC 5339-111-5
StorageContact the Department of Special Collections for location.
Visit of Governor Woodrow Wilson to Annapolis and Government House, March 1912

Text from If These Walls Could Speak draft:
Early in his administration, Governor and Mrs. Goldsborough received two important visitors to Government House. On March 12, 1912, they entertained Governor Woodrow Wilson, then governor of New Jersey and future president of the United States, at dinner following Wilson's address to the Maryland legislature. Three months later, on June 7, President William Howard Taft called on Governor Goldsborough at Government House after presenting diplomas to the graduating midshipmen at the U.S. Naval Academy. Escorted from the Naval Academy to the residence by Troop A of the Maryland National Guard, the president, as his own request, paid his respects to the governor before departing by train for Washington. It was the first presidential to a Maryland governor's residence since President Andrew Johnson was entertained at Jennings House by Governor Thomas Swann in 1867.

MSA SC 5339-111-6
StorageContact the Department of Special Collections for location.
Visit of President William Howard Taft to Annapolis and Government House, June 1912

Evening Capital, June 7, 1912

Text from If These Walls Could Speak draft:
Early in his administration, Governor and Mrs. Goldsborough received two important visitors to Government House. On March 12, 1912, they entertained Governor Woodrow Wilson, then governor of New Jersey and future president of the United States, at dinner following Wilson's address to the Maryland legislature. Three months later, on June 7, President William Howard Taft called on Governor Goldsborough at Government House after presenting diplomas to the graduating midshipmen at the U.S. Naval Academy. Escorted from the Naval Academy to the residence by Troop A of the Maryland National Guard, the president, as his own request, paid his respects to the governor before departing by train for Washington. It was the first presidential to a Maryland governor's residence since President Andrew Johnson was entertained at Jennings House by Governor Thomas Swann in 1867.

MSA SC 5339-111-7
StorageContact the Department of Special Collections for location.
Washington Visits Government (Jennings) House

Text from If These Walls Could Speak draft:
Regardless of their origin, or the individual responsible for their selection, the interior appointments of Government House undoubtedly contributed to the impression of those who were entertained at the residence. While many foreign visitors and members of the local gentry were invited on occasion, Eden's entertainment was most often connected to maintaining his friendships with the more prominent leaders of Maryland and America. Among those who often enjoyed Eden's considerable hospitality was George Washington, who recorded some eighteen visits to Annapolis, and was entertained at Jennings House almost every time. On some occasions, Washington dined at the governor's, on others he lodged, and still others he "dined, supped and lodged at the Govr's." One notable gathering took place at Jennings House on October 5, 1772 when Washington came to Annapolis to attend the races and then lodged with the governor. Among the guests for dinner were Charles Carroll of Carrollton, Thomas Johnson, and a number of other patriots. The following evening, callers were received after a quiet dinner, including Thomas Johnson, Charles Carroll of Carrollton, Daniel Dulany, William Paca, Samuel Chase, Jeremiah T. Chase, John Rogers and Allan Quynn. (MHS magazine, Life of Thomas Johnson, p. 30) An extraordinary gathering of men, this ensemble included three future signers of the Declaration of Independence, the future military hero of the Revolution, and the future first governor of Maryland after Independence. All gathered in the drawing room of the last Royal Governor of Maryland that evening, and the event testifies to the co-mingling of Loyalists, Patriots and English aristocracy prior to the outbreak of war.

Another passage:
The distinguished visitors who made their way to Government House during this post-Revolutionary period included the most revered military figures of the day. George Washington, after the British surrender at Yorktown in 1781, passed through Annapolis on his way to Philadelphia and was entertained by Governor Lee. The Maryland Gazette reported that: "The General's arrival was announced by the discharge of cannon and he was accompanied by his Excellency the Governor..." after which "The evening was spent at the Governor's elegant and hospitable board with festive joy enlivened by good humor, wit, and beauty..."

Another passage:
The administration of John Eager Howard included a memorable event for the city and the state: Washington's last visit to Annapolis in March of 1791. Washington recorded in his diary: "Dined at the Governor's and went to the Assembly in the Evening where I stayed till half past ten o'clock." (Magruder, p. 1410) On this visit, he was probably entertained by Governor Howard's wife, Peggy Chew Howard, who he had known since she was a young girl of Philadelphia society. From a prominent Philadelphia family and one of the Chew sisters who were famed for their beauty and charm, Peggy and her sisters were particular favorites of George Washington who "treated them as his own children." (Francis Sims McGrath, Pillars of Maryland, p. 150)

MSA SC 5339-111-8
StorageContact the Department of Special Collections for location.
Visit of President James Madison to Annapolis

Text from If These Walls Could Speak draft:
While Government House served as the residence of Maryland governors and their families during this period, the dwelling remained a premier spot for entertaining foreign and domestic dignitaries. In 1816, early in the administration of Governor Charles Ridgely, President James Madison, accompanied by his wife, Dolley, arrived in Annapolis to inspect a new 74-gun ship, 'The Washington.' President Madison and his wife stayed in the city from May 16 to 25, accompanied by a number of dignitaries, including the Secretary of the Navy and several commodores. Newspaper reports indicated that the President "received the respect due to his station and elevated character," and it is reasonable to assume that such respect included entertainment at Government House by Governor Ridgely. (Daily National Intelligencer, May 20 & May 30, 1816) (Maryland Republican, May 15, 1816). The governor's wife, Priscilla Dorsey Ridgely, died two years before he assumed office, and it is likely that one of the Ridgelys' daughters, Prudence Gough Ridgely Howard, was present for the reception of the President. Five years earlier, in 1811, Prudence had married George Howard, the son of former governor John Eager Howard and Peggy Osward Chew Howard. George Howard was elected to the governorship himself in 1831, and became the first, and to this day, the only Maryland governor to have been born at Government House.

MSA SC 5339-111-9
StorageContact the Department of Special Collections for location.
Visit of President James Monroe

Text from If These Walls Could Speak draft:
While Government House served as the residence of Maryland governors and their families during this period, the dwelling remained a premier spot for entertaining foreign and domestic dignitaries. In 1816, early in the administration of Governor Charles Ridgely, President James Madison, accompanied by his wife, Dolley, arrived in Annapolis to inspect a new 74-gun ship, 'The Washington.' President Madison and his wife stayed in the city from May 16 to 25, accompanied by a number of dignitaries, including the Secretary of the Navy and several commodores. Newspaper reports indicated that the President "received the respect due to his station and elevated character," and it is reasonable to assume that such respect included entertainment at Government House by Governor Ridgely. (Daily National Intelligencer, May 20 & May 30, 1816) (Maryland Republican, May 15, 1816). The governor's wife, Priscilla Dorsey Ridgely, died two years before he assumed office, and it is likely that one of the Ridgelys' daughters, Prudence Gough Ridgely Howard, was present for the reception of the President. Five years earlier, in 1811, Prudence had married George Howard, the son of former governor John Eager Howard and Peggy Osward Chew Howard. George Howard was elected to the governorship himself in 1831, and became the first, and to this day, the only Maryland governor to have been born at Government House.

MSA SC 5339-111-10
StorageContact the Department of Special Collections for location.
Visit of (former) President Benjamin Harrison in 1898

THEME: Tenacious women

Text from If These Walls Could Speak draft:
Unlike the Brown family, the Lowndes made their home in Annapolis throughout his administration. Like the Browns, they entertained frequently. Elizabeth Tasker Lowndes was a well-educated and very socially active woman. One account attributes at least some of the governor's popularity to her charm and hospitality. One very telling account relates to a dinner at which the Lowndes entertained the President of the United States, Benjamin Harrison, at their home in Cumberland. "It is a fact well remembered, and one that has been frequently recorded by his biographers and most ardent admirers, that President Harrison, while an astute lawyer and a sound statesman, was likewide distinguished for his want of personal magnetism. On the occasion mentioned, his manner was so cold and repellant that the social atmosphere in the drawing room of the Lowndes mansion before the dinner was announced became most depressing. At the dinner, however, [the president] occupying the seat of honor to the right of Mrs. Lowndes, she caught the situation at a glance and proved to be a magnet for the grave as well as the gay. She deftly turned the tide, and by her sallies of wit and humor, aroused a blaze of enthusiasm that remained unbroken throughout the entire entertainment, and in which the President most fully and heartily participated and enjoyed."

MSA SC 5339-111-11
StorageContact the Department of Special Collections for location.
Visit of First Lady Bess Truman to Annapolis and Government House, May 25, 1949

Text from If These Walls Could Speak draft:
On May 25, 1949, the governor and first lady of Maryland welcomed the first lady of the United States, Bess Truman, to Government House when she came to Annapolis as part of the celebrations of "Tercentenary Week" marking the 300th anniversary of the founding of the city of Annapolis. After receivng Mrs. Truman in Government House, the two first ladies sat together to view the Tercentenary parade. This was not Mrs. Lane's first meeting with the Mrs. Truman as she had been a guest at at luncheon at the White House on January 31, 1948. Mrs. Lane met the first lady again on April 11, 1950 when she came to Annapolis to speak to a meeting of the Naval Academy Woman's Club

MSA SC 5339-111-12
StorageContact the Department of Special Collections for location.
APC Project Page re: Government House Foundation

Including the following suggested initiatives:

Thomas Johnson Tall Clock

Stanford White's Frame

Wye Oak Table and Sculpture and a Parlor Suite for the Victorian Library

Portrait by Joshua Johnson

19th Century Baltimore Maritime Drawings

MSA SC 5339-111-13
StorageContact the Department of Special Collections for location.
Visit of President Monroe to Annapolis, May 30 and 31, 1818

Notes from Maryland Gazette and Political Intelligencer, June 4, 1818

MSA only has two local newspapers which cover those dates, and the articles featuring news of Monroe's visit do not mention the Governor or Government House at all. Charles Ridgely of Hampton was Governor at this time, but he is not mentioned in conjunction with Monroe.

The following were members of Monroe's traveling party: Sec. of War, Sec. of Navy, Col. McRea of the engineering corps, two private gentleman.

A welcome address was given by the Mayor of Annapolis on behalf of "the Mayor, Recorder, Aldermen, and Common Council of the City". Likewise, Monroe's speech was addressed "to the Mayor, Recorder, Aldermen, and Common Council."

Following the speeches, a public dinner was given by the citizens of Annapolis at Mr. William Brewer's hotel. Guests included: Monroe and his party, William Kilty, Esq., Col. Maynadier, J. Hughes, James Boyle, Dr. Claude, Gen. Gassaway, Thomas Bowie II, John Brewer, James Shaw, William Warfield, and William Pickney (who is the maternal grandfather of Gov. William Pickney Wyte, former Att. General, former U.S. Representative and Senator, and minister to Russia).

One of the accounts does say that Monroe is embarking on an "excursion down the Chesapeake, as far as Hampton and Norfolk." Maybe this indicates a visit to Governor Ridgely at Hampton? One newspaper confirms that Monroe visited with the Mercers at Cedar Park and stayed for 3 days.

Kelly, J. Reaney. Quakers in the Founding of Anne Arundel County, Maryland. (Baltimore: Maryland Historical Society, 1963), 93-4

"President James Monroe visited his friend, Governor Mercer, at 'Cedar Park' on May 30 and 31, 1818, accompanied by John C. Calhoun, Secretary of War , and Benjamin W. Crowninshield, Secretary of the Navy. Young Margaret Mercer acted as hostess for her father."

MSA SC 5339-111-14
StorageContact the Department of Special Collections for location.
Visit of President James Madison Visits Annapolis

EOS spoke with Martha King, Assistant Editor, Papers of James Madison
518 Alderman Library
University of Virginia
Charlottesville, VA 22903
January 22, 1998

Brant, Irving. James Madison: Commander in Chief , 1812-1836. (New York: Bobbs-Merrill Co., Inc., 1961), 406-407.
in late May 1816, James and Dolley Madison and other high officials went to Annapolis in a navy barge to inspect the new seventy-four gun ship, Washington. Madison did not consider the trip official business and insisted that the $25 paid to the naval boatmen should be charged personally to him.

Daily National Intelligencer, May 20, 1816
The Washington arrived in Annapolis on the evening of May 16th. It was commanded by Commodore Chauncey of Boston and was destined to the Mediterranean to carry out to Naples Mr. Pinkney the minister to Russia and Naples and his family and Mr. King, the secretary of the legation.

Daily National Intelligencer, May 22, 1816
"The visit of the Washington seventy-four gun ship to Annapolis makes that place the seat of high attraction at present. Many have been drawn to that place within a few days, by curiosity, business, or to visit their friends on board the ship. Among others the President, the Secretary of the Navy, and their families are at Annapolis." So we know Madison was present in Annapolis at least by 22 May. He returned from there to Washington, DC on May 25th.

Daily National Intelligencer, May 30th
"The President returned on Saturday from his visit to Annapolis, where he received that respect due to his station and elevated character."

Maryland Republican, May 25, 1816
"Our city is seldom honored with the presence of so many distinguished personages as during the present week. The president of the United States and lady, general Mason and lady, the secretary of the navy, William Pinkney, Esq. and the gallant general Scott; commodores Rogers, Porter and Chauncey are amongst the visitors. The President and his lady, with several military and naval officers and others, dined on board the Washington 74, now off the harbor, on Tuesday last. The salutes usual on such occasions were fired from the forts and ship. The president I am informed is much pleased with the general appearance of Washington."

MSA SC 5339-111-15
StorageContact the Department of Special Collections for location.
State Owned Artwork on Exhibit in Government House: Online brochure, 2002



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