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Inventory for MSA SC 5339-237

MSA SC 5339-237 contains 11 unit(s). Showing results 1 to 11.

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MSA SC 5339-237-1
StorageContact the Department of Special Collections for location.
A. Dwight Pettit

MSA Biography (Internal only)

Binder of material

List of cases from Lexis
Searched for "dwight pettit" and COUNSEL (dwight pettit) in combined state and federal cases

List of news articles from Lexis
Searched for "dwight pettit" in MD News Publications. See also Washington Post articles, prior to 1977 not in Lexis.

Current website:

ATTORNEY GENERAL (Case File) 1955-1961, Segregation--School Cases--Harford County, file no. 6000, box no. 271 [MSA T2261-120, HF/5/11/70].
Contains material relating to Pettit v. Board of Education of Harford County.

Website discussing the Pettit case in Harford County

Pettit, et al. v. Gingerich, et al., 427 F. Supp. 282 (1977)
Suit against Maryland Board of Law Examiners alleging discrimination.

"If You Need Me, Call Me: A Narrative of Alvin Dwight Pettit's Life and Career with Particular Emphasis on Pettit v. Board of Harford County and Pettit v. United States." by Brandon Porter.

MSA SC 5339-237-2
StorageContact the Department of Special Collections for location.
Norris C. Ramsey

MSA Biography (Internal only)

Binder of material

List of cases from Lexis
Searched for "norris c. ramsey" or "norris ramsey" or COUNSEL (norris c. ramsey) or COUNSEL (norris ramsey) in combined state and federal cases

List of news articles from Lexis
Searched for "norris ramsey" or "norris c. ramsey" in MD News Publications.

Research Notebook for Norris C. Ramsey, Esq. by Cherekana Feliciano.

MSA SC 5339-237-3
StorageContact the Department of Special Collections for location.
Robert B. Watts

MSA Biography

Binder of material

List of cases from Lexis
Searched for "robert b. watts"" or "robert watts" or COUNSEL (robert b. watts) or COUNSEL (robert watts) in combined state and federal cases

List of news articles from Lexis
Searched for "robert b. watts" in MD News Publications.

MSA SC 5339-237-4
StorageContact the Department of Special Collections for location.
Solomon Reddick

(Internal only)

Binder of material

List of cases from Lexis
Searched for "solomon reddick" or COUNSEL (solomon reddick) in combined state and federal cases

List of news articles from Lexis
Searched for "solomon reddick" in MD News Publications.

MSA SC 5339-237-5
StorageContact the Department of Special Collections for location.
Gerald A. Smith

MSA Biography (Internal only)

Binder of material

List of cases from Lexis
Searched for "gerald a. smith" or COUNSEL (gerald a. smith) in combined state and federal. cases

List of news articles from Lexis
Searched for "greald a. smith" in MD News Publications. Note that a search for "gerald smith" returned too many non-germane hits to be useful; Smith may be mentioned in more articles than are included on this list, however.

George Edward Rice v. State of Maryland, 9 Md. App. 552

Appeallate Court Records:

COURT OF SPECIAL APPEALS (Miscellaneous Papers) Rice v. State, 1969, September Term, no. 375, MdHR 20,294-31 [MSA S463-31, 1/71/8/1].

COURT OF SPECIAL APPEALS (Opinions) Rice v. State, 1969, September Term, no. 375, MdHR 20,295-23 [MSA S458-23, 1/71/6/23].

Trial Court Records:

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. Rice, 1968, indictments 6470-6475, pps. 269, 270, 529 [MSA CM1299-27, CR 71,868].

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Papers) State v. Rice, 1968, indictments 6471, box no. 96 [MSA T495-900, 3/28/14/4].
Note that court papers for the other indictments were transferred to the Transcript series; see below.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Transcripts) State v. Rice, 1968, indictments 6470-6475, box no. 24 [MSA T496-2093, 1/47/2/44].

Vernon John Naimaster v. NAACP, Lillie M. Jackson, and Juanita Jackson Mitchell, 269 F. Supp. 1277

Trial Court Records:

BALTIMORE COUNTY CIRCUIT COURT (Civil Docket) Naimaster v. NAACP, Mitchell, and Jackson, 1966, Liber OTG 79, p. 486, case no. 65838 [MSA T2138-19, 1/49/11/24].

ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY CIRCUIT COURT (Civil Docket) Naimaster v. NAACP, Mitchell, and Jackson, 1972, Liber 68, p. 128, case no. C6503 [MSA T2786-68, 0/59/6/83].

"Gerald Smith Career Biography: A Look at the Life of a Social Pioneer," by Malikh I. Prout.

MSA SC 5339-237-6
StorageContact the Department of Special Collections for location.
Kenneth Lavon Johnson

MSA Biography

Binder of material

List of cases from Lexis
Searched for "kenneth l. johnson" or COUNSEL (kenneth l. johnson) or "kenneth lavon johnson" or COUNSEL (kenneth lavon johnson) in combined state and federal cases

List of news articles from Lexis
Searched for "kenneth l. johnson" or "kenneth lavon johnson" in MD News Publications.

Case papers, Harper v. Mayor and City Council, 1973.

Baltimore City Solicitor case file no. 124699

Information about accessing Federal court records at the National Archives.

2004 interview by Professor Larry Gibson with Judge Ken Johnson at the University of Maryland School of Law. (WMV file, 850 megabytes; 3gp file, 119 megabytes). Click to see, right click to download.

Note that provides an excellent open source viewer, VLC Media Player Portable, which can be easily installed on the USB flash drive distributed for the use of the class.

Pettit, et al. v. Gingerich, et al., 427 F. Supp. 282 (1977)
Suit against Maryland Board of Law Examiners alleging discrimination.

"Kenneth L. Johnson," by Joseph T. Stovall II.

MSA SC 5339-237-7
StorageContact the Department of Special Collections for location.
Proctor, William H.

Admitted to Federal bar on 1/23/1974. Currently listed as inactive.

Admitted to Maryland bar on 6/3/1980. Not in current Client Protection Fund database. Disbarred in 1997.

3 June 1980, Admitted to the Bar of the MD Court of Appeals; 5 May 1987, Suspended for one year, MD Court of Appeals; 2 Nov 1987, Suspended, US District Court for D.C.; 6 Nov 1989,: Suspension terminated; 27 Feb 1990, [Replaced?] US District Court of MD; 4 Apr 1997, Disbarred, nonpayment of CSTF fee; 11 Apr 1997, Reinstated after payment; 18 Sep 1997, Disbarred, MD Court of Appeals; 25 Sep 1997, Disbarred, US District Court of MD; 18 Dec 1997, Disbarred, US 4th Circuit Court of Appeals.

Currently an associate professor at Morgan.

List of cases from Lexis
Searched for "william proctor" or COUNSEL(william proctor) or "william h. proctor" or COUNSEL(william h. proctor) combined state and federal cases between 1980 and 1999. Note that many of these cases do not seem to be related to this William H. Proctor.

List of news articles from Lexis
Searched for "william proctor" or "william h. proctor."

Brennan, Catherine. "Court Gives New Chance to Prove Lawyer's Malpractice." The Daily Record, 13 October 1995.
Case in question, Massimini v. Proctor, was appealed to the Court of Special Appeals, see unreported opinion below. Cert denied, Court of Appeals, 353 Md. 473 (1999).

COURT OF SPECIAL APPEALS (Opinions) Massimini v. Proctor, 1998, Sept. Term., case no. 738, box no. 3 [MSA T1328-78, OR/19/4/10].

Casesearch entry for Massimini v. Proctor, Baltimore City Circuit Court, case no. 24C94194027.

Shatzkin, Kate. "Secret Sanctions, Second Chances."The Sun (Baltimore), 22 February 1998.

MSA SC 5339-237-8
StorageContact the Department of Special Collections for location.

This series in is to be used by the Spring 2010 Race and the Law Seminar for uploading files relating to the chosen subject, and for accessing biographical information and case files that are uploaded here. Participants in the seminar are to upload their notes and assignments here, including final papers. By participating in the seminar, students agree that their papers and notes, at the discretion of the instructors, may be made available for public, educational use, on the web.

The user name and password for this series are:


To get to this series:


go to Edit & Modify Entries

click on Series 237

click on the hyperlink to your biography in the Accession No. column

From here you can access the files in Notes and add text and hyperlinks to Edit Database Entry

Caution: be careful not to delete text in the database entry. You will not be able to delete what you upload unless you upload a file of the same name that overwrites what you have previously uploaded. To upload files you will have to have Java installed.

Note: from time to time additional instructions will be posted here for the use of the seminar. Be sure that you send the instructors your preferred email address (for Dr. Papenfuse that is and that you place your preferred email address in the Edit Database Entry section of your biography/case analysis.

The overall objective of the Seminar is to have the participants provide a biographical study of a living lawyer that focuses on the post civil rights era, incorporating a thorough study of what the student feels is the subject's most important case, and the case or cases that the subject thinks is the most interesting and important case in which he played a role.

Schedule: (subject to revision and update)

Seminar 1: Overview, biography assignments, review exhibit

Seminar 2: Meet at the Pratt Library, focus on vertical files, newspaper access, and biographical sources

Seminar 3: Meet at the Baltimore City Archives (see for the address and an overview of the City Archives. Review the resources there and look for records related to your biography, having identified what you think is the most important case to date in which your lawyer was involved,based on a lexis/westlaw review of cases involving your lawyer.

Seminar 4: at the Law School, having had your initial interview with your subject.

Note taking, presentations, and final papers

All notes, presentations, and various stages of the paper required in this seminar are to be contained on the supplied USB drive, using the software and note taking programs contained on the drive. If additional space is needed for graphics and references that exceed the storage capacity of the USB flash drive, participants in the seminar are to upload to their space on (user name rlspring2010, password: rlspring2010.

Instructions on use of the USB flash drive (which should be backed up regularly by copying to a local drive of your choice) will be given in detail in the seminar. At the end of the semester, the USB flash drive is to be returned to Dr. Papenfuse containing all notes, presentation(s), drafts, and final paper as a requirement for the seminar.

Overview of use of the USB flash drive

The flash drive contains all of the software necessary to meet the requirements of the seminar. If additional software proves necessary over the course of the semester, instructions to acquire, or a copy of any new software will be posted here for downloading.

The core software to be used in the seminar comes from the websites and It is open source software and is designed to function on a pc from the flash drive. That means that the flash drive is self-contained with regard to software that you will need in this seminar. Once the flash drive is inserted into any PC (laptop, desktop, etc.)all the programs will function utilizing the supplied menu and the Firefox browser contained on the flash drive. One note of caution. Some libraries do not permit you to execute programs resident on a flash drive when using their equipment. You can generally get around that problem by accessing the libraries on-line resources from your own laptop.

To begin using the flash drive, access the StartPortableApps.exe>on the root directory of the flash drive. It should be the top option on the list of options when you first insert your flash drive.

Start the Firefox browser from the portableapps menu on the flash drive. Zotero should already be installed and accessible from the box in the lower right corner of the screen.

Zotero is your note taking program and is invaluable for tracking and organizing web based/accessed resources. Go to the Zotero web site and explore the introductions to its use there. Set up your library to reflect how you want to organize your notes for the seminar, your presentation, and your final paper.

There will be times when you have to first place electronic copies of materials you will be using in the seminar in directories that you create on the usb drive or must upload first to Using the green plus button in zotero you can then easily reference or import them into the note taking program.

All the word processing and presentation software you need for taking notes and writing papers is contained on the flash drive and are accessible from the portableapps menu. Note that these programs easily import from microsoft programs and can export back out to those programs if you need to distribute to colleagues and teachers who require a microsoft format.

If you wish to incorporate digitally recorded interviews (sound, or sound and video). It is best to upload those files in WMA or some other generic format to and then link to them using the green plus button in zotero.


There is a bug in Zotero's "Standalone Note" program that places any images you incorporate into a temporary file on the C drive of whatever cpu/computer you are using, and the images can be easily 'lost'. Use the standalone note program to write text messages/reminders to yourself, but do not use it to store images you hope to get back to at some point.

MSA SC 5339-237-9
StorageContact the Department of Special Collections for location.
Bill Sleeman's space: uploads for the use of the seminar.

See: Bill Sleeman's page as a starting point for Thurgood Marshall Library resources for this seminar

MSA SC 5339-237-10
StorageContact the Department of Special Collections for location.
Pofessor Gibson: uploads for the use of the seminar
MSA SC 5339-237-11
StorageContact the Department of Special Collections for location.
Finding cases and lawyers at work in the Maryland Courts: Case Search and Court Dockets

All court appearances and cases are initiated by the clerk of court on what was originally called the court docket, a system of logging and following court cases to their conclusion that followed the English system. Generally dockets were chronological by court term. In 1998, the Administrative Office of the Courts in Maryland began an effort to combine all dockets for all courts (except Orphans Courts) into one system which in recent years has been converted to the web based service Case Search. Case search is not clearly defined as to what it does and does not contain (for example Landlord Tenant cases in the district courts are not comprehensively included and the dates on which the various jurisdictions were brought into the system are not given). It does contain some cases going back to the late 1980s. The search is best for plaintiffs and defendants, sometimes effective for finding attorneys, and not useful for locating the nature of the cases assigned to a particular judge. For cases prior to 1998, index access in Case Search is more limited than after 1998. For example, for civil cases in Baltimore City prior to 1998, the text for the dockets is present, but not indexed by Case Search.

Included here as an example of what should be publicly accessible through a word search, but are not, are sample searchable dockets for Civil Cases in Baltimore City from 1989 through 1994. At some point it is hoped that the AOC will work with the State Archives to make all dockets for all courts fully searchable, as the dockets of the courts are permanent records and should be fully accessible for research and reference.

Baltimore City Circuit Court Dockets, Civil Cases, 1989

Baltimore City Circuit Court Dockets, Civil Cases, 1990

Baltimore City Circuit Court Dockets, Civil Cases, 1991

Baltimore City Circuit Court Dockets, Civil Cases, 1992

Baltimore City Circuit Court Dockets, Civil Cases, 1993

Baltimore City Circuit Court Dockets, Civil Cases, 1994

Students are cautioned to learn about the docketing system of the courts and administrative agencies over time. These are the heart of the workings of the judicial system over time and the key to understanding the business of being a lawyer before the courts, over time. Historical information about what dockets have survived and where they might be located, is found on the Maryland State Archives web site, Guide to Government Records.

For the purposes of this seminar, look for your subject in both Case Search and the Baltimore Civil Docket indexes from 1989-1994.

This web site is presented for reference purposes under the doctrine of fair use. When this material is used, in whole or in part, proper citation and credit must be attributed to the Maryland State Archives. PLEASE NOTE: The site may contain material from other sources which may be under copyright. Rights assessment, and full originating source citation, is the responsibility of the user.

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