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Inventory for MSA SC 5339-34

MSA SC 5339-34 contains 28 unit(s). Showing results 1 to 15.

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MSA SC 5339-34-1
StorageContact the Department of Special Collections for location.
The Newspaper Clippings found among the Contents of Lincoln's Pockets at Ford's Theater, Washington, D. C., on the night he was shot by John Wilkes Booth.
MSA SC 5339-34-2
StorageContact the Department of Special Collections for location.
"And I heard a voice from Heavin saying unto mee Write:" A memorial to an Archivist, John Jones, M.P., Mayor and Register to the Bishop of Gloucester, England. Located in Gloucester Cathedral. Source: ecp-12-156
MSA SC 5339-34-3
StorageContact the Department of Special Collections for location.
Land Surveyor License Records, examples:

The State Board of Registration for Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors approved the applications of Howard Dubord Tustin (License No. 186), George Elmer Wimmer (License No. 185), Samuel Arthur Thompson (License No. 184), and Jacob Howard Sutton (License No. 183) during their meeting on 5 April 1940, however, they were not officially recorded until the 18 April 1940 meeting. All received Classifications as Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors. Source: DEPARTMENT OF LICENSING AND REGULATION BOARD FOR PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYORS (Minutes) Volume 1: 18 Sept. 1939 - 14 Nov. 1941 [MSA T346, 2-40-4-11] The license files for these gentlemen were not located.

The State Board of Registration for Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors approved the application of Howard Clagett Sutton (License No. 758) during their meeting on 8 November 1940. He received classification as a Professional Engineer and Land Surveyor. Source: DEPARTMENT OF LICENSING AND REGULATION BOARD FOR PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYORS (Minutes) Volume 1: 18 Sept. 1939 - 14 Nov. 1941 [MSA T346, 2-40-4-11] Mr. Sutton's license file was not located.

License file of Richard Paul Tustin, License No. 3460, approved in 1960. He received certification as a Professional Land Surveyor. Source: DEPARTMENT OF LICENSING AND REGULATION BOARD FOR PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYORS (License File) Box 10 License No. 3460 [MSA T2505, 1-40-8-50]

License file of Howard Dubord Tustin, Jr., License No. 3995, approved in 1962. He received certification as a Professional Land Surveyor. Source: DEPARTMENT OF LICENSING AND REGULATION BOARD FOR PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYORS (License File) Box 10 License No. 3995 [MSA T2505, 1-40-8-50]

MSA SC 5339-34-4
StorageContact the Department of Special Collections for location.
Bernard, John. Retrospections of American, 1797-1811. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1887

John Bernard Biographical Page, MSA SC 3520-13789

MSA SC 5339-34-5
StorageContact the Department of Special Collections for location.
"What's In A Name and Why We Should Rembember"

Peleliu from a family album

MSA SC 5339-34-6
StorageContact the Department of Special Collections for location.
Mencken, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, and the Gridiron Club, December 8, 1934, with the Afro American on FDR's visit to Government House and Governor Nice in 1938, where the first handicapped entrance to a public building in Maryland was constructed. This issue of the Afro contains the account and photographs of the wedding of Clarence Mitchell and Juanita Jackson.
MSA SC 5339-34-7
StorageContact the Department of Special Collections for location.
Appraisal issues relating to the court records of Baltimore City.

Records Retention Schedule - Maryland Court System General Schedule No. 655 (1977)
Section III - Criminal Records

MSA SC 5339-34-8
StorageContact the Department of Special Collections for location.
Research on the Monument to Maryland Soldiers who lost there lives at the Battle of Long Island in August 1776. The Monument was dedicated in 1895 and is on or near the site of the graves in Brooklyn, New York. The Maryland Veterans Administration incorporated the following notes into its website entry.

The research files on the battle have been scanned by staff and placed online here.

Note that some Maryland participants in the battle were missed in the search for the names of the Maryland casualties. For example, William Sands of Annapolis was not included, probably because the muster roll of the unit he was with has disappeared. Copies of the Sands letters documenting his presence and death during the battle can be viewed here If asked for a user name and password, useaaco, aaco#.

Research notes began with:

a request from James A. Adkins, Deputy Secretary, Maryland Department of Veterans Affairs
SEE MSAREF MSA SC 5458-51-784
08/30/2004 Files uploaded and emailed to Deputy Sec. Adkins

Dear Deputy Secretary Adkins,
Dr. Papenfuse asked me to contact you with respect to your request re: the Battle of Long Island. The research files on the battle have been scanned by staff and placed online at:
Please note, it has come to our attention that some participants in the battle were missed, during the period of research for the memorial. For example, William Sands was not included. Copies of the Sands letters can be viewed at:
Please use the following userid and password, if necessary:
If you have any questions or any problems accessing the materials, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Emily Oland Squires Director of Research and Student Outreach Maryland State Archives Hall of Records 350 Rowe Blvd. Annapolis, MD 21401 phone: 410-260-6443 fax: 410-974-3895 email:

Staff: ECP/Jen/Emily

"Seeking Brooklyn’s Lost Mass Grave." The New York Times, 25 August 2012.

MSA SC 5339-34-9
StorageContact the Department of Special Collections for location.
Inquiry from Annapolis Councilman Richard Israel concerning the history of, celebrations at, the French Soldiers and Sailors Monument on St. Johns' College Campus.
MSA SC 5339-34-10
StorageContact the Department of Special Collections for location.
William and Margretta Ruths v. George Reuling

Both cases filed 1878, and cases joined. Trial held 24-25 November 1879; jury unable to reach decision. Transferred to HO Circuit Court, February 1880. Trial held 30 March-2 April 1880. Jury verdict for defendant, 2 April 1880.

BALTIMORE CITY COURT (Cases Instituted) William Ruths & Margretta Ruths v. George Reuling, 1878, NCR 9, p. 260, "box 335" [MSA T556-5, 3/34/2/10].

BALTIMORE CITY COURT (Court Papers) William Ruths & Margretta Ruths v. George Reuling, 1878, "box 335," box no. 350 [MSA T545-11].

Filed 8 March 1878. Suit for $10,000. Allegation of negligence and incompetence in performing eye surgery. Prayers indicate that Margretta had glaucoma. Plaintiffs claimed that Reuling promised he could perform a minor operation and restore the sight in one eye but operated on both eyes and destroyed all sight.

BALTIMORE CITY COURT (Cases Instituted) William Ruths v. George Reuling, 1878, NCR 9, p. 275, "box 335" [MSA T556-5, 3/34/2/10].

BALTIMORE CITY COURT (Court Papers) William Ruths v. George Reuling, 1878, "box 335," box no. 350 [MSA T545-11].

Filed 18 April 1878. Suit for $10,000. Same complaint as first bill in earlier case.

HOWARD COUNTY CIRCUIT COURT (Judgment Docket) William Ruths & Margretta Ruths v. George Reuling, 1880, LJW 5, p. 108, MdHR 20,356-6 [MSA C983-5, 1/69/7/18].

HOWARD COUNTY CIRCUIT COURT (Civil Papers) William Ruths & Margretta Ruths v. George Reuling, 1880, case no. 145, box no. 40 [MSA T408-27, 1/69/14/3]

HOWARD COUNTY CIRCUIT COURT (Judgment Docket) William Ruths v. George Reuling, 1880, LJW 5, p. 108, MdHR 20,356-6 [MSA C983-5, 1/69/7/18].

HOWARD COUNTY CIRCUIT COURT (Civil Papers) William Ruths v. George Reuling, 1880, case no. 146, box no. 40 [MSA T408-27, 1/69/14/3].

HO papers contain only the record sent from BC. These papers are filed with the "foreign trials," cases transferred from other jurisdictions.


"Suit Against an Oculist." The Sun (Baltimore) 25 November 1879.

"A Disagreeing Jury." The Sun (Baltimore) 26 November 1879.

"The Ruths-Reuling Case." The Sun (Baltimore) 27 November 1879.

"A Judge Summoned to Testify." The Sun (Baltimore) 30 March 1880.

"Letter from Howard County." The Sun (Baltimore) 1 April 1880.

MSA SC 5339-34-11
StorageContact the Department of Special Collections for location.
Articles re: Allan Bowie
MSA SC 5339-34-12
StorageContact the Department of Special Collections for location.
William L. Chaplin case research notes

There is a historical marker in Silver Spring commemorating Chaplin's arrest.

Bryan Prince, A Shadow on the Household

Chaplin case mentioned on p. 43-47. Account based mostly on pamphlet (see below); also cites DC Department of Corrections runaway slave book [MSA SC3170, M9597]. Notes that the Maryland General Assembly compensated those who arrested Chaplin and his crew. See Laws of 1853, Chapter 124, Archives of Maryland Online vol. 403, p. 129.

Mary Kay Ricks, Escape on the Pearl
Chaplin case covered 219-220, 227-229; 219: see DNI 10 Aug 1850 for account of incident

227: Chaplin pay bail in DC--$6000, 18 September 1850
>before Judge William Cranch (Judge of DC Circuit Court—Federal court)

228: Sent to MO, bail set at $19,000, released from jail January 1851

Chaplin Pamphlet
"The Case of William L. Chaplin..."

29-31: re: bail in DC, judge Cranch
>should be requisition from MD Gov.??

35: Chief Judge Dorsey
>prob Thomas Beale Dorsey, from AA/HO, CJ of COA, 1848-1851

38: to MO grand jury 13 November 1850

40-41: Trial removed to HO, for March Term, 1851

46-47: Bail from Judge Brewer in AN.

Howard District Court

Minutes, C1001-1, 1/69/10/8
>p. 81-87: for September Term, Sep-Dec 1850, judges were CJ Thomas B. Dorsey, Nicholas Brewer and Thomas H Wilkinson

Criminal Docket, C698-2, 1/69/7/23
>Chaplin not listed September 1850-March 1851 terms—never presented in HO

Commission and Bond Record, C967-1, 1/69/6/45
>Bond only re: blacks

AA Court
Docket, C64-83/84, 1/2/8/3-4
>not listed, Oct 1850-Apr 1851

Bonds, C41-1, 1/1/11/17
>not listed

No requisition info found.

Misc. Papers, S1274 (finding aid S1476)
>nothing re: requisitions

MO (Circuit) Court
Docket, November Term, 1850, T961-17, 3/56/10/32

MONTGOMERY COUNTY CIRCUIT COURT (Docket) State v. William Chaplin, Criminal Presentments, Nov. Term, 1850, nos. 1-7 [MSA T961-17, 3/56/10/32].

Criminal Presentments, Nov. Term, 1850, nos. 1-7. Cases removed to Howard District, 13 November 1850.

State of Maryland v. William L. Chaplin, no. 1
Filed 11 November 1850
Stealing negro man of A.H. Stephens

State of Maryland v. William L. Chaplin, no. 2
Filed 11 November 1850
Inticing & assisting A.H. Stephens slave to run away

State of Maryland v. William L. Chaplin, no. 3
Filed 11 November 1850
Assaulting intent to kill & murder William Smithy

State of Maryland v. William L. Chaplin, no. 4
Filed 11 November 1850
Assaulting intent to kill & murder John H. Goddard

State of Maryland v. William L. Chaplin, no. 5
Filed 11 November 1850
Taking away the slave of ---- Tooms

State of Maryland v. William L. Chaplin, no. 6
Filed 11 November 1850
Assisting the slave of one Tooms to run away

State of Maryland v. William L. Chaplin, no. 7
Filed 11 November 1850
Assaulting intent to kill & murder Richard Butt

Searched Court Papers; unable to locate any papers re: Chaplin
1850-1853, box no. 189, T414-59, 3/55/6/29
1847-1855, box no. 173, T414-57, 3/55/6/13

Newspaper coverage:

"Arrest of a Runaway Slave." Daily National Intelligencer, 10 August 1850.

An Affray--The Arrest of William L. Chaplin." National Era (Washington, DC), 15 August 1850.

"Fully Committed for Murder--Thrilling Testimony--Requisition for Chaplin from the Governor of Maryland--Georgetown Affairs, &c." The Sun (Baltimore), 16 August 1850.

"Imprisonment of W.L. Chaplin." National Era (Washington, DC), 29 August 1850.

"Case of Chaplin." Daily Globe (Washington, DC), 24 September 1850.

"The Chaplin Trial." National Era (Washington, DC), 26 September 1850.

"The Case of William L. Chaplin."

Daily National Intelligencer, 15 November 1850.

"The Case of William L. Chaplin." The Sun (Baltimore), 15 November 1850.

"The Trial of W.L. Chaplin." National Era (Washington, DC), 21 November 1850.

Daily National Intelligencer, 19 December 1850.

Daily National Intelligencer, 23 December 1850.

"Chaplin to be Demanded." The Sun (Baltimore), 21 March 1851.

"Whereabouts of Wm. L. Chaplin." The Sun (Baltimore), 11 April 1851.

"William L. Chaplin." The Sun (Baltimore), 15 July 1851.

The Sun (Baltimore), 17 September 1851.

MSA SC 5339-34-13
StorageContact the Department of Special Collections for location.
Research on Afro-American holdings and editions

Inventory of microfilm owned by the Afro.

Listing of Afro microfilm as entered into Guide as BMS 24.

Research notes:

Notes on titles and editions

MSA SC5339-219-7

Notes from Hayward Farrer, The Baltimore Afro-American 1892-1950 (Westport CT: Greenwood Press, 1998).
p. 17: Philadelphia Afro started 1931; DC Afro 1934, Richmond Afro and Planet, 1938
p. 21: By 1950, 11 editions, distributed in BC, Philadelphia, Newark, NY, New England, Nationally
p. 23n16: Cite for court case: Edith Johnson v. Murphy, 1950 (see below)

Court Cases:

Edith Johnson v. Carl Murphy, et al.
The trial court papers appear to be missing. However, the Court of Appeals transcript contains a (nearly?) complete version of the lower court file. The case was dismissed by the Court of Appeals; not records and briefs were filed.

The suit was about the sale/distribution of stock by the Murphys so most of the case filings related to the papers finances. The bill of complaint does note that as of 1950 "The Afro-American Company...issue[s] and distribute[s] six editions on a weekly basis, namely, New England, New York, New Jersey, Richmond, Philadelphia, and National Editions, and four editions on a semi-weekly basis, namely, a Red Star, Five Star, and Seven Star edition, and the Washington Afro-Americn." This is inaccurate, as both the Five and Seven Star editions were published weekly in Baltimore, and the Red Star was the Washington edition, which was also a weekly.

There were also two other earlier suits: Thomson v. Murphy, filed in US District Court 22 July 1947, dismissed 5 May 1950, appeal denied by US Court of Appeals (Daily Record 20 Dec 1950; Edith Johnson v. Murphy, BC Superior Court, filed 26 June 1950.

BALTIMORE CITY CIRCUIT COURT NO. 2 (Equity Docket A, Miscellaneous) Johnson v. Murphy, 1950, 59A, case no. 30601A, pps. 256, 295, 444 [MSA T996-60, 1/40/10/53].
Mandate from C of A, Sept 1951.

BALTIMORE CITY CIRCUIT COURT NO. 2 (Equity Papers A, Miscellaneous) Johnson v. Murphy, 1950, case no. 30601A, box no. 49 [MSA T56-2418, 3/25/2/15]
File not in box

BALTIMORE CITY CIRCUIT COURT NO. 2 (Equity Papers A, Miscellaneous) Johnson v. Murphy, 1950, case no. 30601A, box no. 2385 [MSA T56-2262, 3/25/1/17]
Box contains a single page of transcript from the trial

COURT OF APPEALS (Transcripts) Johnson v. Murphy, 1951, no. 40, MdHR 12,281-6 [MSA S434-200, 1/67/13/16].

COURT OF APPEALS (Misc. Papers) Johnson v. Murphy, 1951, no. 40, MdHR 12,283-1 [MSA S397-130, 1/65/8/24].

Edith Johnson v. Murphy (first case)

BALTIMORE CITY SUPERIOR COURT (Cases Instituted) Edith Johnson v. Murphy, et al., 1950, pps. 815, 8442, SCL no. 2 MdHR 50,336-180 [MSA C1497-181, 2/16/14/22]
Case filed 26 June 1950. Court papers destroyed per court order, 1906.

Thompson v. Afro-American
92 F. Supp. 213 (1950)
185 F. 2d 1014 (1950)

Notes on editions
Taken from browsing mastheads

Five Star edition:
Five stars on masthead; dated Tuesday; distributed Tuesdays.

Late City edition:
Seven stars; dated Saturday, distributed Fridays. Changed to Blue Streak 10 October 1959. See note, front page, 10 Oct 1959.

Blue Streak edition:
Seven stars; dated Saturday, distributed Fridays. Possiblity reverted to Late City edition 22 August 1964--at that point the paper stopped carrying the Blue Streak name, but may still have had the blue border on the front page; it's hard to know since all scans of the paper are black and white. Not a major point either way.

National edition:
Eight or ten stars, probably depending on how widely it was distributed; still a little unclear on this; dated Saturday.

Red Star edition:
Washington, DC edition.

Two Star edition:
Not sure about this; pretty sure I've seen one though.

John Gartrell's notes from his Afro research:

Afro edition timeline

Afro project info

Afro respositories research notes

College listing

MSA SC 5339-34-14
StorageContact the Department of Special Collections for location.
Baltimore Water Co. Cases

First Case

CHANCERY COURT (Chancery Papers) Thomas McCoy vs. Baltimore Water Co., et al., 1819, MdHR 17,898-3646-1/3 [MSA S512-4-3762, 1/36/3/69].

CHANCERY COURT (Chancery Record) Thomas McCoy vs. Baltimore Water Co., et al., 1819, vol. 123,pps. 373-430 [MSA S517-141].

Scanned as msaref 5458-51-4772

Second Case

CHANCERY COURT (Chancery Papers) Baltimore Water Co. v. James C. Neilson, et al., 1820, MdHR17,898-61781/4 [MSA S512-8-6256, 1/37/3/4]

CHANCERY COURT (Chancery Record) Baltimore Water Co. v. James C. Neilson, et al., 1820, vol. 118, pps. 512-555, MdHR 17,831 [MSA S517-136, 1/35/3/25].

Scanned as msaref 5458-51-4764

MSA SC 5339-34-15
StorageContact the Department of Special Collections for location.
Romero, et al. v. Vandiver

BALTIMORE CITY SUPERIOR COURT (Cases Instituted) Romero, et al. v. Vandiver, 1895, no. 1, p. 51, "box 1026," MdHR 50,336-44 [MSA C1497-45, 2/16/11/30].

BALTIMORE CITY SUPERIOR COURT (Civil Court Papers) Romero, et al. v. Vandiver, 1895, "box 1026" [MSA T591-291, 2/19/12/39].

"A Title in Dispute." The Sun (Baltimore), 11 January 1895.


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